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Hi there,
I'm Miso.
Wait a minute, I don't know what to say. *Says to her self*
Okay, so let's say it like this.
Okay let's do this again.

Hi there,
I'm Miso.
Although the author has told you about me I'm gonna say it all again. I'm- okay let's just skip this part and move on. You see, I'm not quite interested in my life, my life is the most boring thing. I don't like my family. I simply hate them. Why? Because my family hates me.
If you think it's just in my mind then you're wrong, they have said it to my face. You are such nuisance, I wish I never had a child like you blah blah blah.
If you think it bothers me then you are even more wrong I simply don't care, the thing is even if my life isn't exciting and my family doesn't need me, doesn't mean I'm not happy.
I have been really happy with hyun.
He is my everything, actually you see, my family doesn't like hyun. Why? It's simple beacuse he shows me things that my family don't want me to see, we do things that they don't want me to do.
I have too many restrictions but did I ever consider them as restrictions? Nope, never.
Sometimes, I think if hyun wasn't in my life what would I do? But I am really lucky to have him.
Now the question is, besides my parents why do I hate my siblings? Those twins I really hate them. Why? Because they are literally better than me in everything. They are pretty, they are smart, they are good at sports, good at studies, literally good in everything.
They make me feel as if I will never be good enough. They make me feel as if I'm nothing in comparison to them. Yeah, I'm not nor do I want to be.
They both are running their own fashion companies. Meanwhile, I will take over my dad's company.
Don't get me wrong, I really want to take over his company, its actually a fashion company, I have always been interested in fashion.
But the point is, will he let me take over his company? Of course, he would. Why wouldn't he. After all, I'm the only one that is left. Haha.
Anyways, why don't I have friends? Good question.
The answer is I never considered making friends, when I was little I tried making some friends but turns out I was only befriended because of my siblings. It made me so sad I cried like 10 minutes.
I don't know what they see in them, they aren't so special. Yeah okay they have everything but doesn't mean they have everything- what a second that doesn't make any sense.
Whatever moving on.
So after that I never tried making friends. BUT, I do have one. I actually didn't wanted her to become my friend she became my friend using force.
What? It's the truth. You literally followed me around everywhere then when I told you to leave me alone you said you will jump of the roof if I didn't became your friend, you were literally the most annoying person ever.
Alright, leaving her behind who interrupted my life story.
No one is interested Miso.
Oh shut up and let me continue, you little shit.
Okay where were we?
Yeah, so she befriended me with force but still she befriended me for me not for my siblings so I'm grateful for that she was the first ever real friend I made and is still the first and last friend of mine.
Aww I love you too Miso, I didn't know you love me so much. *hugs Miso*
Okay enough.
So is there anything left??
Oh don't forget about you grades.
Oh yeah.
My family is really intelligent, like really really intelligent. All they want is straight A's but I'm not that intelligent, I get about B or B+ and get an A once in a while. My family being my family doesn't accept if they want my results to be good, comparing to other kids doesn't make me want to achieve more, it makes me sad that they think they can get me into working if they compare me but nope I don't get affected I stopped being affected by comparison a long time ago.

Anyways that was all for today. Thank you for listening to my- wait a minute, they aren't listening ,they are reading.
Thank you for reading my story which was not so interesting.
I will now come again this time with my life.
Bye bye.

Hey, why the heck did you keep cutting my words.
It wasn't my fault you were saying things about me that weren't true.
Oh yeah, it wasn't true, it was absolutely true.
Oh don't you whatever me, Park Soojin.
P-Park Soojin? Okay I'm sorry Miso, please call me jinnie again.
Please!I'm sorry!
Okay, jinnie.
Why didn't hyun come though I told him to come.
Something came up so he couldn't come.
Oh okay.
They are still reading.
But I turned it off.
No you didn't.
Oh my god! Haha sorry guys.
Now you know how she does things.
anyways, bye bye, for real now.

《_____The End______》

Forced to be Yours [ Y.J.W ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon