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Seeing her eyes shut tight, formed a smile on jungwons face.

She's expecting.

"You've got an eyelash on your cheek" he said removing the imaginary eyelash strand from her cheek.

She opened her eyes, a bit embarrassed.

Her face was red.

"Oh" she chuckled awkwardly.

I won't do anything without your consent.

"We should go" she said standing up.

They both walked towards the main hall, they missed most of the party and it was now time to declare the king and Queen of the prom.

"Hello everyone, wonderful to have you all here today" a round of applause.

"Now, it's the time of declaring the King and Queen of the prom" the host said as he opened a card.

"So this year's king is....Yang Jungwon from A-3" students cheered.

Jungwon went up to the stage and a crown was set on his head.

He smiled to the crowd as loud cheering was heard.

Miso slightly smiled and clapped.

"And now for the Queen...we have..." he opened another card.

"Oh Wow! We have Hwang Miso as our Queen" Miso was taken by suprise as very loud cheering was heard.

A few shocked gasps and rude remarks from jealous girls also being heard.

She didn't know what to do and stood there with eyes wide open and mouth slightly open.

Then jungwon was seen whispering something in host's ear and the host handed him the crown.

Then jungwon was seen whispering something in host's ear and the host handed him the crown

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He came down the stage and towards Miso who watched him with the same expression.

He stood infront of her and gently placed the crown on her head.

He stepped back and admired her a bit.

Then coming closer and leaning towards her.

"You're beautiful" he said, she heated up and looked down.

A bit uncomfortable from all the attention.

Jungwon noticed and pulled her towards himself hugging her tight.

"Relax..." he said gently.

"Breath in....breath out" he instructed as she did what she was told.

Gently caressing her back, she went to normal.

"NO!" A loud yell was heard which diverted attention.

Na jaein.


Forced to be Yours [ Y.J.W ]Where stories live. Discover now