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Next day

She got up at about 10.15 AM, and went straight in the bathroom to take a shower.

She took a long shower, and came out in her bathrobes.

Her mother came in "be ready in an hour" and then she just left.

"What am I, your fucking puppet?!" She said angry on her mother who's always ordering her around.

She walked in her closed and looked around to see what to wear.

She just went in for casual fit,cause they'll be walking around looking at dresses.

She just went in for casual fit,cause they'll be walking around looking at dresses

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She got ready in the most simplest way, not doing much but not less either.

She always likes to be presentable.

When she came downstairs everyone were sitting in the living room and she just sat down not paying any attention to anyone.

"Miso, make sure you get something beautiful" her mother said.

She just let out a 'hm' and continued using her phone.

About at 11.55 AM, a door bell was heard on the door.

Opening the door to see jungwon

He greeted her parents while she waited for him outside, eyes glued to her phone

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He greeted her parents while she waited for him outside, eyes glued to her phone.

After a while they both got in the car and drove away.

"Where do you want to go?" "Lets go to Dior" "Can you find the type of dress you need there?" "Lets see, I haven't done this before so I don't know where to go" she talked straight and emotionless.

"Lets go there than" he drove off to Dior.

As they went into the store, a women came upto them.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The women said with a smile.

"We're looking for engagement dresses" Jungwon said to the women.

"Let me show you" she gestured with her hand to follow.

Forced to be Yours [ Y.J.W ]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu