"fight" the queens all said in unison and kept saying it as their voices faded away.

I gasped as I came back to reality and saw Garcia standing in front of me which made me scream.

"Garcia!" I yelled.

"My ears are working you know" she hissed turning her back to me.

"How long have you been here?"

"Long enough to know you had a visit from the past queens" she said with a sad smile. "I've been trying to snap you out of it for the past half hour"

Felt like minutes

"I'm sorry" I said standing up from the gazebo. "Am I extremely late for my lesson".

"Let's just go."

I followed her quietly as we entered our lesson hall.

The first thing I noticed was all out lesson books was out of sight. I shot her a glance.

"Today, we will be focussing on ballroom dance" she gave me a weird smile.

Easy peasy!

"And it isn't as easy as everyone terms to claim. You may think it's just the go-with-the-flow dance but there is more to it. You need to understand your partner's movement. No one is alike, but this should teach you the basic you need"

"Okay, so who's my partner" I asked as I knew it was definitely not Kieran.

"It's actually my grandson, Tobias"

On queue, a guy who looks like Kieran's age mate walked into the hall.

He was handsome, prefect tanned skin, masculine face and long jet black hair which was tied into a man bun.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness" his deep bass voice echoed in the hall as he stretched out his hand

I took it with a smile, "the pleasure is all mine and please call me Lily"

"As you wish Lily". He grinned, something I don't think Kieran can ever do.

"Okay, enough of that, now back to the lesson. Tobias here is a national dancer, which is why I thought of him as the best candidate." Garcia said holding onto her correcting short stick.

She went to the music box and started the song.

"May I have this dance?" Tobias asked.

What a gentleman

"You may" I said as I curtsied before him.

He smiled as he took my hands and placed them around his neck while his hands were on my waist.

We swayed to the music continuously as Garcia kept on yelling, 'again' over and over.

"Is this your first time?" he asked in a bare whisper.

I nodded and smile, following his lead to avoid stepping on him.

"Why, you're a natural"

I looked around and noticed Garcia was no longer in the room.

"Hey, can we change the genre for some minutes before she comes back" I asked

"You truly are naughty, and my grandma might give both of us some serious spanking" he said laughing.

I connected my phone to the hall speaker before playing a slightly fast song.

"Hope you know Salsa?" I said as I removed my vans.

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