Plumeria, a loving older sister

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– I managed to pick some beautiful berries! Dawn exclaimed enthusiastically as she returned to the Pokémon Center. - It's been a long time since I made poffins and these berries look perfect... I can't wait!! -

She was on route 13 and had left the Pokémon Center to go pick some berries, while Ash, in fact, had stayed there.

– I wonder if Ash would like to prepare some poffins too, I have to ask him when I get back. she continued to say to herself, smiling with her eyes closed.

However, at one point, for no particular reason, she stopped and looked up in confusion. She had glimpsed a shadow not far from her or, in any case, heard the slightest noise.

– Hey, little girl, where are you going? -

– Yes, where are you going? -

In a short time she found herself surrounded by several recruits of Team Skull, who emerged from the various bushes of the path.

Instinctively, he clung to the basket, in which there were berries, with a serious air... trying to hide his real concern.

"It's them... some Team Skull recruits!"

– What do you have in that basket? -

– Yes, what do you have in that basket? -

– TELL US NOW! - they all exclaimed in chorus.

The coordinator, on the other hand, didn't say anything at all and hugged the basket to herself with more energy. He didn't know what to do, what to say... how to get out of such a situation??

– Hey, what are you doing? - asked, rhetorically, with a bored air, a girl arriving in front of Dawn at a distance of several meters.


As usual, Ash had gotten up well after Dawn.

He was walking out of his room at the Pokémon Center, with Pikachu on his shoulder, when he noticed a note taped to the door. Without thinking he stopped and pulled it off to bring it close to his eyes.

There was no doubt, it was Dawn's writing.

I went into the woods to pick some berries!

– Lucinda

The coach smiled as he read the message. It took him a while to look away and look up again, then he started walking again.

Of course he could have waited for me. he said, continuing to smile.

It really wasn't meant to be an angry comment or anything like that. He was always struck by Dawn's enterprising and original character. Every time he combined a new one... and then he had the reputation of being hyperactive.

This only accentuated how similar those two were.


- Can't you see you're scaring her? - she asked, still rhetorically, with an increasingly tired air.

– PLUMERIA! - exclaimed the recruits all together.

The girl, Plumeria, now decided to approach.

– For the last time, you have to stop scaring people. he said, stopping and looking at everyone one by one.

- But Plumeria! - they exclaimed, again, simultaneously.

– No buts. - she said putting his hands on his hips. - Real leaders don't do that. -

- Sorry, Plumeria! - they exclaimed again, together lowering their heads in mortification.

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