Necrozma and Ultra Space

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- What?? - Ash asked, incredulous, in front of Akala's boarding counter. - The next boarding has been cancelled?! -

Dawn was next to him and had a very similar expression.

- I'm sorry guys, but it's breaking news, unfortunately nothing can be done about it. - said the receptionist with a mortified air.

- Cabbage... - the boy murmured, demoralized, lowering his head. - There's nothing we can do... what bad karma we have with ships... -

- Don't worry and thank you for warning us. - the girl said instead, forcing herself to smile, taking her friend by the hand and starting to drag him away.

As they exited the building, Dawn released Ash's hand to place both of them on her hips. She looked at him with expressions at the same time severe and sympathetic, even if in difficulty. Ash looked, rather, demoralized. He hadn't raised his head and now he was also holding his stomach with his hands.

- Come on Ash... I understand how you feel, but is there a need to make it so long? -

- It's not that, I have a stomach cramp... -

- What? Does your tummy hurt?? Incredible! I told you not to eat all those Malasades... - she said worried, but also a little angry.

Soon, however, the girl noticed two strange guys in the distance. So, she looked at them confused, but at the same time alert.

Ash, realizing it, looked up with a confused expression.

- Who I am? What weird costumes... are they in cosplay? - he commented, without looking away, still confused.

- I don't know why, but I have a strange feeling. - she said, looking at them critically, and then glancing at Ash. - Better stay away. -

- You're right, better. -

- So your stomach doesn't hurt anymore? -

At that moment, however, a rumbling was heard coming from the trainer's stomach and... he had to squeeze it, again, doubled over with his eyes closed.

- It seems clear to me that it still hurts. - Dawn commented resigned but, undoubtedly, a little worried. - Better if we go to the Pokémon Center, maybe Nurse Joy knows what to do. - she added looking on the other side to locate the building.

However, Lillie appeared in his field of vision. He had a couple of bags in his hand, it was clear he had just gone shopping.

- Hi Lillie! - Dawn exclaimed, beaming.

- Ash and Dawn? - she said, amazed, stopping.


- It's been a while, hasn't it? - Dawn asked Lyla rhetorically when she joined them.

- Yeah, I didn't expect to see you here, where are you going? - asked the other curious one.

- On Ula'ula Island, but they canceled our boarding. - she replied smiling demoralized.

- Ah, I'm sorry, and when is the next one? -

- We do not know yet. -

- But... what's wrong with Ash? - she asked, confused, shifting her gaze to the boy.

Dawn then shifted her gaze to Ash, noticing that he was still doubled over with his hands clasped on his stomach, and then looked back at Lillie, smiling with some mortification.

- He ate too many Malasades. -

- I have some Ginger in my bag, maybe it can be useful. -

At that moment, the two guys from before passed in the distance. The way they behaved, it seemed they were looking for something.

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