Battle Royale

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- It went better than I thought! - Dawn commented enthusiastically.

- Yes, I did not expect such results. - Ash said. - Our Pokémon were great. -

The two had participated in the battle royale and were chatting as they exited the building.

- Especially Buizel, the Luctium Z suits him perfectly. - commented the coordinator.

- It is true. - he said and then looked at the Pokémon still next to them. - Luctium Z is really powerful, Focus Punch becomes 100 times stronger. -

- Blind blind! - exclaimed the enthusiastic Pokémon.

At that moment, however, Buizel's gaze was drawn like a magnet by the image of his fellow man.It was definitely a female Buizel, for she had a pink flower on her head.

The Buizel and Ash was enchanted by his figure, so much so that he stopped without realizing it.

- Buizel, is everything okay? - asked the coach confused and a little worried.

The Pokémon, however, said nothing and continued to stare spellbound in front of him. The girl, unlike her friend, seemed to have understood the situation well, so she bent on her knees to talk to him.

- She's very beautiful, isn't she, Buizel? she asked rhetorically, smiling.

At those words, the Pokémon turned towards her blushing.

- Huh? Thing? What are you talking about? Ash asked confused.

- Hi guys, sorry to bother you. - greeted them a girl approaching.

She was Buizel's coach, in fact they had grown closer together.

- I saw that you have just come out of the building where the Battle Royale is held, I wanted to ask you how it works since it is the first time that my Buizel and I have come. -

While he was speaking his Buizel was looking at their interlocutors, but when he noticed the gaze of Ash's Buizel he turned away making him look away red in the face.

- Hi! It was the first time for us too, don't worry that as soon as you get inside there are some people in charge who will explain everything you need to know. - Dawn said with a smile.

- Thank you very much. said the other, nodding a bow with her head. - Come on Buizel. - she added, so she and her Pokémon started walking again.

Ash's Buizel still had the enchanted gaze and the blush on his cheeks.

- Are you all right, Buizel? You are all red. - noted the coach.

- Ash, you really don't get it? - the incredulous girl asked him. - Buizel is in love! - he added bending down on his legs to caress the Pokémon.

- Fell in love? And whose? -

- How whose? Of that Buizel, who else? - she said continuing to caress Buizel proudly.

Ash looked, immensely, confused.

- Bui bui... - Buizel emitted, glancing at Dawn.

- Don't worry Buizel, we will find a way for you to meet again. - he reassured him, smiling at him.

- How do you think about doing? Do you have a plan? -

At those words the girl stood up and looked at him.

- Sure, she's her trainer participating in the battle royale, right? We participate too, so Buizel can meet her again. -

- But we just attended... -

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