A Kanto Gym in Alola?!

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Ash and Dawn had returned to Malie City. They had decided, rightly so, to train before the next test. The decision to return to Malie City had been shared by both. In fact, both of them thought they needed a secure base on which to lean before setting off again for other, still unknown parts of the island. To be honest, then, the coordinator had a specific objective in that city... the clothing store, of course.

The coach was waiting for her, impatient but, at the same time, resigned, leaning against the light pole to the right of the shop.

– Ugh, but how long does it take? Always the same story... -

At one point, for no particular reason, his gaze was directed to his right, a little further back than him.

His eyes widened in surprise... there was something familiar about that place, but what?

- Here I am! - Dawn exclaimed, smiling with the right eyes, raising the envelopes to the sky. - Um? What are you looking at? - she added, letting her arms fall and looking at him with a slightly perplexed expression.

– Don't you also find that building has a familiar air to it? - he asked rhetorically, moving his gaze on her and detaching his back from the pole.Dawn, in response, initially limited herself to looking at the building herself.

– Looks like a Pokémon Gym. -

Ash, who was still looking at her, widened his eyes and was about to retort. However, she turned to look at him again.

– But what is a Pokémon Gym doing in Alola? -

– It is very strange indeed. - he answered crossing his arms and closing his eyes and then leaning his head downwards. - Well, let's go see, shall we?! she exclaimed, brightening up, looking back at her and untying her arms.

Am I wrong or are you very enthusiastic? she asked, rhetorically, smiling a little forcedly with her eyes closed.

– Well, of course, you know me! - he exclaimed, in response, starting to run.Before long, he was in front of the building and began waving one arm in the air while blocking his voice to one side with the other hand.

– Come on, come! - he exclaimed with an air more and more radiant.

Dawn was looking at him with a kind of credulous, crestfallen smile.

- Wow, he's really excited... - he commented to himself starting to walk towards him.


As soon as the two had set foot inside the building, they had just had time to look around in amazement, a girl had stopped in front of them.

– Alola! You are here to accept the challenge, right?? I'm curious... are you ready to awaken your Kanto spirit?? -

Needless to say, both were perplexed.

– Spirit of Kanto? - Dawn murmured, probably unconsciously.

- Yes. - the girl confirmed, continuing to smile, but in a more understanding way. - You should know that this gym is inspired by those of Kanto. -

- The! I'm from Kanto too! Ash exclaimed, more and more enthusiastic, clenching his fists. - I accept the challenge!! At the time, I faced and beat all the gyms in Kanto! -

– I, on the other hand, pass... - said the coordinator, smiling uneasily, closing her eyes. - Not that I don't like them... it's just that I prefer Pokémon Contests, I've never attended an official match in the gym. -

– In this case, I kindly ask you to wait outside. - she said always smiling. - As a matter of order, only challengers can access the gym. -

Ash and Dawn then looked at each other in confusion. Maybe a little sad, but neither of them would dare to challenge the rules.

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