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- I still can't believe it, we were great! - Ash exclaimed throwing a fist to the sky closing his eyes.

He and Dawn were walking side by side on the path. Her friend was looking at him smiling calmly with her hands on the shoulder straps of her backpack.

- Since we made it? There is nothing to worry about. -

At that point, Ash looked back at her, smiling, letting his arm fall to his side.

- It's thanks to you, it was thanks to your strategy that we managed to win. -

- Come on, don't overdo it. - Dawn said smiling, embarrassed, with her eyes closed. - Let's say that this time we were able to play better as a team and turn the situation to our advantage. -

- Jokes?? It's thanks to you! Thanks to you we won the race and now we can go to Ula'ula Island to compete in the next races!! - exclaimed his friend and then smiled satisfied and put his hands on the shoulder straps of his backpack.

Dawn continued to stare at him, but unlike before, she smiled a little shyly and blushed slightly. 

Unknowingly, she ended up ducking her head a little, but she kept looking at him.

They said nothing more and simply continued to walk side by side. Ash smiled looking straight ahead, while Dawn looked at him again, slightly, flushed. He couldn't look away. In recent times she had often found herself observing him with a certain concentration... and every time she noticed it. Every time she was embarrassed and would therefore have wanted to look away, but she just couldn't. Deep down in his heart, he had always known that he didn't see Ash as just a friend. If you compared him with Kenny for example... he was a friend. Almost a brother to be honest. Ash, on the other hand... since their first meeting, something had told her that they were similar. That they had similar dreams and hopes. He had sensed that something was familiar. 

Sometimes, it happened that when Ash said something to her, her heart started beating faster. Also, when he was around, she felt a strange feeling in her stomach, but at first she had wanted to deny it, even to herself. It was Lyra that had made her open her eyes... and from that moment on she had stopped fighting against herself.

She had fallen in love with Ash. At first, as often happens, it was a simple crush. Not even a burning at first sight, simply the feeling of a possible affinity.

Since they had left for Alola, something had changed. Now he just felt like he couldn't do it. He no longer wanted to deny. She had long ago given up on herself, however, she didn't want to lie to him anymore either. To Ash. I mean, why did he have to do it? Why did he have to keep hiding the truth? It was cruel... sometimes it felt like her heart might burst. The only thing that still held her back was the fear of ruining her friendship with Ash. However, by now, not even that motivation held anymore. She couldn't take it anymore... with the knowledge of how strong her feelings were becoming, she was having a hard time even looking at him if he was looking back.

- A-Ash? -

Dawn, without fully realizing it, had called him back and, only when he turned to look at her puzzled did she realize what she had actually done. She made a puzzled face as well, but unlike him, who was simply surprised, she was also a little scared.

Was it time? Did he really have to tell her??

"Oh mom... my heart is about to burst... I'm scared of what might happen next! If I tell Ash how I feel, then I don't think there's any going back!!"

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