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Pulling on her skirt over her extra warm tights, Valentina seemed to be done. She surveyed her dark purple fitted jumper, which made her appear a bit too skinny, and her short black skirt that revealed her bony legs in her mirror, and even though she wasn't very pleased with what she saw, she knew she had no choice but to go out. Luca invited her out on a date to a café that was close by, and she intended to go with him, even though her outfit didn't look as good on her as it did in her head. Sighing, she leaned closer to the mirror to examine her face. She did that almost every night before going to sleep, pointing out her flaws. This time, she decided to attempt makeup, and although the sight was a bit unusual, she didn't look horrific. All she did was use a bit of concealer in the right places and put on some mascara to make her eyelashes darker and longer.

She braided her hair in two, which took a long time, but at least her braiding skills were sufficient, and it seemed to have suited her. At least that was what she hoped. When she was done, she finally gathered her scarf and coat from her room, picking up her phone to text Luca that she was ready. Excitement pooled in her stomach as she sent it, a giddy smile making its way onto her lips as she exited her room.

As she walked across the living room, her parents were sitting on the couch, hand in hand, watching TV wordlessly. It was some old show they loved, even if they were watching it for the thousandth time. They looked cozy, and Valentina had the urge to join them, to cuddle up to them one last time before setting her foot out of the house. She didn't though, all she did was stand in front of them, purposefully covering the TV. They snapped back to reality then, giving their utmost attention to her.

"You look beautiful!" Her mother reached her hand out instantly, and Valentina took it with a squeeze.

"Absolutely gorgeous," Her father agreed, and she leaned in to place a kiss on both of their cheeks.

"Don't be away for too long, your dad wants to watch some movie that came out recently," Her mom smiled, and Valentina simply nodded absentmindedly before waving them bye.

She walked out of her flat, and a strange feeling settled in her chest, reminding her of the little feeling you get when something is missing. Putting on her coat and scarf, she touched her pockets, making sure everything she needed for the day was on her. The feeling didn't go away though, the reassurance wasn't enough.

Luca's car was at its usual spot, and Valentina skipped to it with a bright smile, opening the passenger door and climbing in immediately. Luca grinned at her, and she leaned over to give him a quick kiss, while he turned the engine on, and began reversing.

"You look breathtaking," He stated as he quickly took a look at her, and she couldn't help but notice the slight blush high on his cheeks.

The café was small and cozy, and the smell of fresh coffee and sweets hit the pair as soon as they entered through the door, alerting a waitress's attention by the little bell above them. She watched as they sat down at a table, and approached them instantly, welcoming them with a warm look. She reminded Valentina of her mother.

"We would like two cheesecakes, and two hot chocolates please," Luca read the menu like they didn't already decide what to get in the car beforehand. They wanted to make sure to go with something basic, as there were quite a few fancily named sweets there, at least according to their online menu.

The waitress looked at Valentina for confirmation, then upon her nod, she quickly scribbled the orders down, and hurried away. Valentina leaned back in the little booth they were sitting in, looking at Luca, who was still scanning the menu. He glanced up, and their eyes met, making a tiny smile tug at his lips.

"How did you find this place?" Valentina couldn't help but ask, taking one more quick sweep of the place.

"Hannah actually recommended it," He admitted. "I thought it would be bad because her taste is...peculiar, but she persuaded me."

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