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Monday was going even slower than it had before as Valentina sat in her third class of the day, staring at the board in front of her as her teacher went on and on about some really important math formula that they would surely use at least once in their lives.

She met Luca first thing first in the morning, right on top of the rooftop. If he hadn't blown up her phone with texts that later turned threatening – they were supposed to be, but it didn't quite phase her – she wouldn't have shown up at all. She was in her worst mood when Luca approached her, telling her about the two clients she was supposed to go and meet for the answer sheets, as he had other business to attend to.

If only he didn't bring up the way she woke up on the wrong side of the bed, their meeting would have gone smoothly, but instead, she ended up yelling at him to mind his own damn business. Later, as she sat in one of the most boring classes of her life, she replayed the events in her mind and even felt guilty over them. But only a little. Luca seemed like the kind of person who could easily get on her nerves just with a few words, and if she continued being a ticking bomb, he would be seeing a whole new side of her that she wasn't even sure she had seen before.

It was safe to say that Odette was concerned when Valentina met her for lunch in the cafeteria, two resting bitch faces colliding with one another as Valentina sat down in front of her, putting her tray a bit more harshly onto the table than intended.

"Are you okay V?" Odette leaned toward her, sticking a piece of pasta in her mouth. "I've never seen you in such a bad mood before."

"I'm fine," She huffed. "I wasn't in my best mental state in the morning and Luca decided it was the perfect opportunity to start fucking with me."

"No kidding, my heart skipped a beat when you said fucking." Odette's eyes widened, bringing a tiny smile to Valentina's lips.

As the girls ate, Ray approached the table sitting down beside Odette as he dug into his spaghetti. Odette sighed upon seeing his bad mood as well, shaking her head to herself.

"Tell me nothing happened between you two and it's not the reason for your...moodiness," She mumbled over to them. They exchanged looks and shook their head in sync.

"I'm going to have to go through a rather difficult conversation today," Ray explained himself, eyes meeting Valentina's. The Sasha situation.

Odette's eyes slid to hers too, confirming that they all thought about the same thing. "And how is Sasha by the way? I haven't seen her annoyingly wide smile today yet."

"You won't," Ray stated. "She isn't too happy today either."

"How fun," Odette grumbled. "And I thought I could escape my little sisters' drama at school."

"Sisters? How many do you have?" Valentina asked, jumping at the opportunity to change the subject. Odette noticed the sudden change, but she paid no mind to it.

"Three," She sighed dramatically. "Although one is older than me, so I don't have to endure her since she's at her new fancy university now."

"Which one does she attend?" Ray chirped in, as he was the only twelfth grader among them.

"Yale," Odette shrugged. "My parents want to send me off there too."

"I'm thinking more of Princeton myself," Ray mumbled to himself more than anyone. Odette cast him a look.

"Right, you don't have much time left." She grimaced, making Valentina laugh.

"You say that like he's dying or something."

"I will be if I even get in." Ray smiled at the pair. They eyed him with raised eyebrows. "Computer science, if you were wondering."

"You'll get in," Valentina smiled at him encouragingly.

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