CHAPTER FOUR: Determined

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By Thursday, Valentina was determined to make something happen regarding the test answers. She woke up with the nagging feeling of anxiety that if she didn't do anything that day, the news about her attempting to steal Odette Wraith's phone would spread throughout the school.

The fear that was instilled in her didn't dim in the slightest as she got ready for school with painfully slow motions. Once her uniform was on, she sauntered out of her bedroom, coming to face her father drinking some water from the tap in the kitchen.

It had been quite some time since she'd seen him out in the open like that, as he must have had that rare day of his shift starting a bit later than usual. An involuntary gasp escaped her lips as she eyed him, seeing pure exhaustion on his features.

There were dark circles looming under his eyes, and dark stubble forming on his face. Valentina wanted to hug him, but he hadn't noticed her yet. Maybe if she waited for long enough, she wouldn't have to see the pain in his eyes as he looks at her-

"Val," Her father spoke, his tone gentle yet raspy. He just woke up, Valentina concluded. "Off to school?"

He was referring to the usual notes she left him, using the exact same words each time. She didn't mean to sound like she was avoiding him and not wanting to talk to him, but it apparently sounded just like that to him. That his daughter didn't want to meet him at all. It wasn't completely her fault that she was never out of her room whenever he went to work or got home. So, with a racing mind, Valentina just nodded back weakly, hugging her torso with her arms. The whole situation was uncomfortable.

"Yes. I know it's a bit early, but I like studying there a bit before classes." It was a lie. She slept, but he didn't need to know that at all.

"The doctors called me," He cleared his throat awkwardly, clearly not used to talking to his own daughter. "They will let her come home for the weekend."

He didn't have to specify who, Valentina smiled widely at her father, and carefully drew him in a hug. He was stiff, she knew he wasn't telling her something. But sometimes, it was better not to know, even though every inch of her body was screaming at her to ask.

"Will she sleep here?" She looked up with cloudy eyes, wiping at them with the back of her hand swiftly. "I'm going to clean the whole place, so don't worry about anything. The birthday boy can rest."

A low laugh sounded from his mouth as he looked down at her fondly, placing his hands on her shoulders and pushing her back a bit. Valentina's glee faltered, but only a little bit. She wanted him to be more enthusiastic about his own birthday, but apparently, he was too tired to even do that. She hated life for that.

"Aren't you going to have anything for breakfast?" He questioned instead of answering. Changing topics, something her whole family was a master in.

"I'll buy some pastries on the way there," She lied again. With no money in her wallet, she had no choice but to survive with one meal during the day again.

"Do you have enough money on you?"

Valentina hesitated. She had to pay back Odette somehow, but she also didn't want to ask for money when it could be used for much more practical things. Like paying bills and hospital checks.

"Can I get a two-dollar bill?" She murmured, somehow ashamed to utter the question. He nodded back at her, not even a little sign of emotion displayed on his face. Digging through his wallet on the kitchen counter, Valentina got a chance to look at the money in there, which obviously wasn't much, but more than she thought it would be.

He handed it to her, and with a kiss on her temple, he retired back to his room to get ready for work. Valentina stood there, staring down at the money in her hands with a faraway look. It would be enough to get the missing ingredients for the cake. Maybe. But then she wouldn't be able to pay Odette back at all.

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