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For the whole week, Valentina had no chance to see Luca. Her father had her on the shortest leash for the entirety of the week, as he still didn't let her go out in the afternoons, nor did he let her see her mother at nights after school. It was slowly driving her insane how he left her no time to chat with her friends after her classes ended, showing up in the school's parking lot early to make sure she couldn't go anywhere.

He drove her to school each morning, attempting pathetic small talk, and drove her home as well each afternoon, not giving her any air to breathe. He spent most of his time in the living room at home, either working on his laptop his company provided him or watching TV, so Valentina had no way to sneak out either since he was always in the way.

She spent all her time at school with Odette and Ray, and she even talked to Sasha a bit along with Matt. Although whenever she had some free time, she texted Luca back and forth, but mostly when she got home since he was apparently doing some gigs for money in his newfound spare time. She ignored everyone who wanted to buy answer sheets from her, taking Luca's advice, while also being scared of getting suspended herself. She knew her father would be locking her in her room if that ever happened.

It was finally Friday, and Valentina was happy to get out of her classroom at last and go home to rest and visit her mother the next day. She met up with Odette and Matt at the lockers, who were about to walk home together.

"This week went by slower than I thought it would," Odette sighed, breathing in the fresh, cool air as they walked out of the school.

"You're telling me?" Valentina chuckled. "I thought it would never be over."

"You two are so dramatic," Matt laughed. "I think we've had worst the exam ones."

"Those were only bad for you since you couldn't read," Odette joked, bumping her shoulder with his. He snorted.

"You're such a bitch."

"A funny bitch, right V?" She grinned at Valentina, who rolled her eyes at the pair. She could already see her father standing next to his car, making her heart drop.

Odette noticed the shift in her mood, and she frowned as they neared the gate along with Valentina's father. Matt realized what Odette was about to do faster than anyone else, and he tried to hold her back, but it was too late. Odette strutted up to her friend's father confidently, a polite smile appearing on her lips.

"Good afternoon sir," She greeted, extending her hand to him. "I'm Odette Wraith, a friend of your daughter's and I was wondering if it was possible to let her come with us to the ice rink tomorrow. She has been working hard at school all week, and we want to unwind a little."

"Hello," Valentina's father blinked, a bit surprised.

"I've heard she loves rollerblading, so I thought she would love to come with us. Would you mind?" Odette continued, not letting him one second to think.

"Um, sure. I suppose it would do her some good to get out of the house for a day," He said slowly, clearly caught off-guard by the confident girl.

Smiling, Odette turned to Valentina, giving her an undetectable sly look. Valentina was just as surprised as her father as she stared at her friend, but a big grin soon took over at the realization that she would be able to escape the house after such a long week.

"Let's go now," Her father motioned to the car, and she nodded, hugging Odette and Matt quickly before getting into the car.

They waved to her as her father pulled out of the parking lot with Odette throwing her a wink before they walked down the street. Valentina was left with a feeling of anticipation, and her happiness radiated off her as she leaned back in her seat. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she pulled it out, her smile growing even bigger. It was Odette again.

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