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It took impossibly long for Valentina to make a simple chocolate cake with the first recipe she found on the internet – that she was stealing from the next-door neighbor since they moved there – and it didn't come out the best either. At least judging by how it looked, but she hoped the taste wouldn't be too horrid. All she wanted to do was eat that damn cake with all the work she put into making it.

And after she was done with the damn cake, she had to clean the bathroom which she left for last. That was an experience that she never ever willingly wanted to go through again. It haunted her in her sleep.

She woke up early on Saturday to check on the cake she put on the fridge and also the condition of the whole house, making sure her father didn't make a mess after he got home around midnight. At least she guessed it was midnight because she heard him enter around that time, while she was collecting all her bravery to clean the toilet.

Fortunately, the apartment was in its best shape, and she yanked the curtains open to let in some natural light. The cake didn't get turn out better looking overnight and she was pondering how to fix it. Chocolate was what she needed. But where would she get chocolate from with zero money?

On a whim, Valentina sent a text to Odette. She didn't take anything into consideration, including that it was only five o'clock in the morning. Not expecting Odette to reply, she was about to put her phone away, when it pinged, echoing in the small room. She raised an eyebrow that she actually responded to her, considering how she was almost entirely sure that she didn't want to do anything with her anymore.


Sorry to bother you but do you have some chocolate? There's an emergency.

What the hell V

It's 5 am why are you even up this early?

Could ask the same thing.

Just say whether you have chocolate or not.

I will drop by with it.

How much do you need?

As much as you can bring. Also, can you decorate cakes?

This has to be the most random convo I had at 5 am

I'll be there in under 10 minutes.

With a quiet laugh, Valentina took a quick shower, knowing that by ten, Odette probably meant a whole lot longer. She pulled on some sweatpants along with a fitted dark blue top, then casually slid her feet into her flip-flops as she strolled downstairs. Putting her coat on before she walked out of the complex, she was greeted by Odette herself walking through the gate. At least the timing was good.

Odette carried a paper bag in one of her hands, her fluffy coat hiding most of her face. This time, her face was bare, completely free of makeup, which made her look a lot younger, like an actual seventeen-year-old. Her hair was sloppily braided back, two smaller strands falling out of it and now framing her face.

She came to a stop in front of Valentina, raising an eyebrow as if she was expecting something. The latter blinked back at her, zipping up her coat against the cold morning.

"Hi," She mumbled unsurely. "Thanks for bringing me chocolate... this early."

"No worries. This is a totally expected and ordinary task for me," Odette glanced at her phone. "At five forty am."

"How come you were up?" Valentina asked instead of reacting, taking the bag from her. "I thought you were the type of person to sleep in."

"Yeah, no. I wish I was like that," She hummed. "But anyway, can I go up, or are you letting your savior freeze?"

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