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Valentina lined some puffy pillows on her bed so she could cover them with her blanket, making it look like she was sleeping there when in reality, she would be out partying. She turned off her light, hoping that it would look convincing enough when the bell rang, signaling that Odette arrived. They made an agreement that they would meet up at Valentina's place so Odette could do her hair and makeup for her, as Valentina wasn't the best at it, and Odette never wanted to do anything in the world as much as pretty up her friend.

Valentina walked out of her room with the half-full balloon in her hands that she was planning on putting into her bed too so it would look like a head – her head –, then let Odette in, opening the front door to wait for her to walk up the stairs.

Odette's black dress looked great on her body, somehow even better than at the shop, stopping above the middle of her thighs, and a slit on one side showing off even more. Her cleavage was heart-shaped and rather low, her hair framing her face in delicate curls. Her black high heels matched her sparkly dress, and her electric eyes did a quick sweep of Valentina once she was in sight.

"Why do you have a balloon?" She asked immediately, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. As if there was ever anything suspicious about a balloon.

"It'll be my head," Valentina replied, putting it into her mouth to finish blowing the air in.

"I don't want to know what you mean by that, but okay."

Odette ordered her to sit down on the couch and got her makeup bag out, pinning her friend's hair back and beginning to put some primer onto her skin. The sensation was cool, and Valentina shut her eyes, feeling like she was getting a facial. Then, Odette simply put some bb cream on her, since she thought she didn't need heavy foundation, then put concealer on the necessary spots and under her eyes.

Once her mascara and lipstick were applied too, Odette was getting ready to do her eyeliner which she wanted Valentina to open her eyes for since she wanted to make sure it looked good like that. It wasn't such an easy task though as Valentina moved too much, afraid of her eye getting poked out.

"If you move one more time, I'm seriously stabbing you in the eye," Odette grumbled, wiping off the liner from her eyes. Valentina scoffed.

"Do you think this sentence will make me less scared?" She huffed. "I swear we should just leave things how they are."

"You are not leaving this room without eyeliner on! I can't fail you!" Odette shook her head violently, grabbing her friend's chin for the hundredth time.

The bell rang once again, so Valentina shook off Odette's hand and walked to the door, knowing that it was probably Luca wanting to come in. She opened the door as she waited, glancing back to see Odette with a frown. When she turned back, nothing could have prepared her for the sight of Luca though, as his somewhat messy hair was styled, his cobalt eyes boring into hers with such intensity that her stomach began doing flips. He was wearing a black shirt that had a few buttons undone, with some black pants and shoes, that fit his body incredulously.

He froze up as soon as his eyes landed on Valentina, looking her quickly up and down before trying to strictly look her in the eyes. Valentina didn't know whether she was imagining it, but his face seemed to become redder with every passing moment.

"Get in! We don't have much time!" Odette yelled from the living room, ruining the moment. She never had much patience. Luca cleared his throat.

"Hi," He breathed, a soft smile appearing on his lips.

"Hi," Valentina replied just as quietly.

She stepped aside to let him in, then locked the door before going back to the couch where Odette was grumpily standing. Hesitantly, she sat down in front of Odette, ready for the torture to continue. Luca eyed them with furrowed eyebrows, then kicked away the balloon that bounced to his feet. At least he didn't question that.

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