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Valentina descended the small, worn stairs in front of her apartment complex's building. Odette wasn't returning her texts, so she just turned her phone off with a small frown, looking up to see a familiar SUV, its engine coming to life as she reached the bottom of the stairs. She stared at Luca in the driver's seat with wide eyes and raised eyebrows, shocked to see him there but somehow not at all creeped out at the same time.

She approached the car warily and watched as Luca rolled down the window, a grin etching its way onto his lips. His brown hair was tousled, as usual, his dark blue eyes sparkling with glee, surprising Valentina even more. She noticed that there were various different rings on his fingers, something she either didn't see before, or he hadn't worn that much.

"Good morning," She greeted, eyes still on his hands. "Cool rings."

"Not even interested in why I'm here?" He drummed his fingers on the wheel, eyes meeting hers again. "I brought you breakfast,"

"Breakfast?" She blinked at him, leaning closer to the window to see a pair of paper bags on the other seat. "Okay, how come you're here?"

"I thought that you would be too lonely at an empty school without me," He explained, smiling up at her. "And we had a deal, didn't we?"

"What deal?"

"That I'll show you how good life is. Remember?" He blinked up at her innocently, patting the other seat beside him. "Get in."

Not knowing how to react, Valentina simply walked around the car and climbed inside, letting Luca place the paper bags in her lap. He reversed out of the small parking lot onto the main road, driving towards Silver High. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eyes.

"To show me how nice life is," She mumbled. "You give me food?"

"That isn't my whole plan. Just to reassure you," He chuckled. "Are you free this afternoon?"

"Depends," She breathed, turning to him. "What do you have in mind?"

He parked the car in a matter of minutes, only replying to Valentina's question with a sly smile, then urged her to get the food out of her paper bag. She shook her head in amusement, reaching into it blindly to make sure it was a complete surprise. Luca looked at her expectantly as she unwrapped the sandwich in her lap, biting into it almost immediately afterward. It was delicious.

"You couldn't have guessed what my favorite sandwich was," Valentina stared at him in surprise, covering her mouth as she swallowed the food. "How?"

"Lucky guess," He grinned. "Let's go inside, we'll finish eating there.

Valentina wrapped the sandwich up again and unbuckled her seatbelt, exiting the car with the paper bag in her hands. She looked in the backseat, seeing the plant there still. She hesitantly glanced at Luca, who locked the car, pushing the key into his pocket.

"Why is the poor plant still in the car?" She pried as they passed through the school's gates, causing Luca to suddenly chuckle.

"It's for my grandma. Her birthday is in a few weeks so I'll be giving it to her." He shrugged. "I spent a lot of time at her place when I was little since mom was constantly working."

"Oh. So you are close," Valentina smiled. "I'm sure she'll be happy for the plant."

Valentina automatically headed for her classroom and Luca simply followed her, climbing the stairs after her and then entering the room as well. She sat down at her usual seat while Luca sat on top of the desk in front of hers, his legs placed on the seat in front of him. She took the two wrapped sandwiches from the paper bag, handing the one she didn't have a bite of to him.

Business And HopelessnessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora