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Something Valentina didn't expect was Luca bringing her breakfast each morning and driving her to school. She was rather confused about why he was being so kind and caring to her, but it simply warmed her heart to the point where she didn't want whatever was going on to stop.

If it wouldn't have been enough to spend the mornings with Luca, Valentina actually spent most afternoons with him as well, since he was adamant about making sure she would make some memories that she could reflect back on later in life. So, he took her to unexpected places that either looked beautiful or he was the one who made them that.

On Tuesday, Luca took her to the lake for a small picnic, and despite the freezing weather, she didn't feel cold at all, since he decided to bring a heating blanket from home. He made the food and snacks himself, which greatly surprised her, and they even checked out the mostly frozen lake, which Luca didn't let her step on. They joked around for a while, taking pictures of the beautiful lake until the sun started going down, then he took her home so her father wouldn't freak out like last time.

On Wednesday, they went back to the amusement park to try out the promised Ferris wheel and looked at the town's scenery from the top, and Luca told Valentina about the times he used to go there with his siblings and mother when she had an ounce more free time than now. He also told her how he would never want to be so absent from his children's lives like that, which made Valentina question what he wanted to work as in the future.

Luca told her how he had been wanting to do something with Physics for a while now, and that it had been the only subject he was good at. She listened to him ramble about his dreams and felt a bit jealous that he was so ready to get out into the real world and make them come true, while she was already struggling to find the point of her life at such a young age.

On Thursday, they didn't quite go anywhere special, only to KFC after school like they did the first time, but after that he pulled up to the community garden and they sat on top of the car's hood with a blanket, eating and watching the dying flowers and plants due to the cold weather. They were on the corner of December now.

It was finally Friday, but this time Luca didn't meet her in the morning, which made her a bit disappointed – something she would never admit – but he apparently had some early plans with his mother that he couldn't miss. So, she came to school on foot with Odette for once, who skipped her morning jog and complained to her about how early it was to rot at school, and how she never saw Valentina nowadays as she went missing each day after classes.

It was weird that Valentina was searching for Luca with her eyes all day, even absentmindedly, her eyes would settle on him in the cafeteria, or in the hallway where he was laughing with friends. His laugh boosted her mood, which was again, quite unusual, and she was anticipating whether he had anything planned for the afternoon.

The classes went by slowly, most of them just boring monotonous talking. But, when Valentina found herself in front of Luca upon exiting the last class, she couldn't shake off the automatic smile that took over her features. They began walking down to the lockers together in comfortable silence, but she was surprised to see his apologetic look.

"I have to go and pick up my sister today," Luca said lightheartedly. "So, no adventures for us today."

"All right," She replied, her voice laced with disappointment. "You already took me to a lot of places this week, and I can't be thankful enough."

"It was all my pleasure," He smiled kindly, then turned toward the exit as he shrugged his coat on. "I'll take you home for compensation, okay?"

"Thank you," She nodded, following him out of the school.

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