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For some odd reason, Valentina kept bumping into Raymond all Wednesday. She swore to him that she wasn't following him around, but it came off as too random, making the boy rather vary of her after the third time she came across him, specifically at the library. He was reading a book at one of the tables during the break, but his peaceful features immediately twisted into a grimace once he saw her. Valentina found it offensive.

She knew very well that she still didn't have a plan on breaking into the office, but the more time went by, the more weight she felt pushing down on her chest heavily. Her stomach was in knots each time she took sight of either Raymond or Odette in the hallways, and the constant shiver-filled anxiety wasn't helping her concentrate in class either.

So, she was determined to make it stop, determined to finally put an end to at least this problem in her life, as she already didn't have enough hours in a day to worry about other things. The massive debt of her family may pose an example.

Raymond was sitting in the cafeteria for once when Valentina approached him, balancing her tray with one hand as she plopped down in the seat in front of him. His features morphed into pure shock, but he collected himself instantly, clearing his throat as he shot a dark look at her.

Valentina paid no mind to him and started eating, munching on a chicken nugget with a proud half-smile that she attempted to hold back. It was to no avail though, because admittedly, she was proud of herself for not getting chased away by him. Or maybe he just didn't want to make a scene, but whatever the reason was, she was taking it.

"What?" Raymond hissed, furrowing his eyebrows as he met her eyes. She shrugged.

"It's fun to be in your company." Her tone dripped with sarcasm which she didn't mean to happen, so she sucked in a harsh breath as she waited for his reaction.

"Meaning?" He blinked at her, twirling the fork in his hands. A knife would have been more fitting with the expression he wore, but Valentina was scared for her life regardless. She saw movies where forks were stuck in people's eyes.

"You amuse me," She replied, this time with a lot more honesty, sticking a pair of fries in her mouth. "Your expressions are entertaining."

Raymond's mouth formed a thin line as he didn't wish to react to her comments, burying himself in his own nuggets instead. Seeing the stuck-up SBP eating chicken nuggets with a pout reminded her of a sulking child, but she hid her laugh with a cough that was louder than she intended.

"So," Valentina began, earning the tiniest of sighs from him. "How does being a Student Body President work exactly?"

"I am given paperwork about new students or events weekly, and teachers mostly make us the ones to organize certain events after the principal and the teachers give their approval," Raymond answered monotonously. She hummed.

"Like proms and sports events?"

"Yes. It's usually the hardest to prepare for prom as we have to make sure the students like the themes we came up with," He explained, whilst cutting up the chicken nuggets into tiny pieces with his knife. Now that freaked Valentina out. "There are many complaints about it each year."

"And how long are you going to stay SBP?" She interrogated, drumming her fingers on the table between them.

"I graduate this year, but the new council members are chosen before the end of the year. They are announced on the last day of school during the Closing Ceremony."

"There's a ceremony at the end of the school year?" Valentina asked in disbelief, her eyes going wide as she stared at Raymond.

"Yes. We have an Opening Ceremony, too, but you transferred a few days after that."

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