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Valentina awoke to an amazing smell circling around her room, causing her to peer an eye open. She sniffed a couple of times, making sure it wasn't just something lingering from her dream, then sat up, rubbing the tiredness out of her eyes. While she sat there, contemplating her existence, the memory of last night passed her mind, making her go red in the face instantly.

She thought about Luca's soft lips on hers, and his captivating eyes looking at her like he saw through her soul. She could still feel his hands on her waist and hips, pulling her into him, his silky, messy hair on her fingertips. Hugging her torso, Valentina tried to will the thoughts away, but all she could feel was frustration, frustration that he wasn't next to her at that very moment and that she couldn't feel his warmth.

Embarrassed, she stood up, deciding to take a cold shower to calm herself down. She shivered as the cold water hit her, and she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. For a second, she imagined Luca's hands running down her body while hugging her from behind, so she opened her eyes instead with a huff. She had to stop, he only kissed her once and nothing else happened that could have made her think such thoughts.

Valentina got dressed in comfy clothes, trying to think about something other than Luca as she walked out of her room, finally finding where the lovely smell was coming from. Her dad was in the kitchen, standing in front of the stove, making pancakes. He shot her a smile as he noticed her, mumbling a quick good morning before flipping the pancake in the pan with ease. He was once a pro at it when they still had cute family breakfasts on weekends.

"Have you slept well?" He questioned, placing a pancake on a plate. She shrugged.

"I suppose so."

"We are picking up your mother in a few minutes, then we will have pancakes together. What do you say?" He smiled, but it was pained.

"That's a great idea," Valentina smiled back slowly, trying to be genuine. She was fearing what was about to come these next few weeks.

She sat at the counter for a while, watching her dad flip pancakes and hum to the radio's songs, then decided to go back to her room to get her phone. She wanted to know whether she had gotten any texts, and that obviously didn't mean she wanted to see if Luca had texted her at all.

Her phone didn't have any notifications, but she didn't let that get to her. She took a long breath, then dialed Odette's number, sitting down on her bed cross-legged as she waited for her to pick up.

"Yeah?" Odette's raspy voice sounded from the other side. "Is something wrong?"

"No, no," Valentina said hurriedly, feeling a blush creeping to her cheeks about what she would be saying next. "I kissed Luca yesterday."

"What?!" Odette shrieked into the phone, more awake than ever now. "Tell me everything!"

"He took me to a rooftop to show me the view of the snowy town, and then as he turned to me to wipe away the snowflakes from my face, he pulled me in," Valentina whispered, her heart speeding with excitement.

"Oh my god!" Odette giggled. "I love everything about this. Didn't know that Luca could be so romantic."

"I knew he could be," Valentina mused, biting down on her lip. "He is that type for sure."

"So, are you together now?"

"We didn't clarify yet..."

"I'm sure he is going to ask you in the most romantic way possible," Odette chuckled, and Valentina could hear her smirk as she said the words.

"I just can't stop thinking about the kiss..." She trailed off huffing. Odette laughed suddenly.

"Are you saying you are horny?"

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