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All Valentina Barron ever wanted was to give her mother her favorite flowers. Those expensive ones she always looked at so dreamily at the shop back when everything was better. When Valentina didn't have to steal to live.

Still flipping through the numerous documents, she found one, but it was dated way back to 2015. With a sigh, she placed it back and went to the bottom of the pile instead, pulling a paper out with a future date written on it. It was organized by date backward for some reason, if she had to guess, it was so trespassing students wouldn't find what they were looking for so easily. Yet, she found what she came for. Only a few pictures were needed now, and she could get out of the office without being seen.

Yanking her phone out of her blazer pocket, her elbow knocked down a pencil holder, the contents of it scattering on the wooden floor loudly. With a quiet curse, she hastily shut the drawer and bent down with the paper in hand to collect the pens and pencils. Her heartbeat was skyrocketing, and her anxiousness was growing, that being the sole reason for her rashness. Before she could make any other moves, however, the wooden door of the large office creaked open.

Freezing in place, Valentina held her breath nervously, carefully moving fully behind the desk, so she was completely hidden by it. She couldn't hear much, maybe some talking in the distance but that wasn't coming from the door. With shaking hands, she straightened her arm just a little, so she could take a picture of the papers she was still holding onto.

Valentina's mind was racing, trying to speedily decide what to do whilst praying not to be seen as she took the pictures and leaned back, holding her breath. After doing this for so long, she couldn't be caught, it couldn't happen. She would be suspended, expelled, or maybe there would be a whole police investigation started for stealing and spreading private documents of the school.

She couldn't possibly let that happen. She needed an alibi, but how could she come up with a believable lie in a few seconds? Despite mostly perfecting lying and getting away with things like these, she couldn't just lie straight-faced to a faculty member, like the principal. That took much more courage than what she had.

Then, everything went quiet, except the pounding of her heart. The talking stopped, there was no noise other than the sound of the light traffic coming from the window on the wall in front of her. She slid the phone awfully slowly back into her pocket, wondering what to do with the papers to hide all evidence pointing at her.

As she was about to give out a sigh of relief that nobody would be getting in soon, Valentina heard a footstep, paired with the creak of the floorboard around the door. Someone was coming in, and she was about to be discovered.

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