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After the balloon incident, Valentina's father grounded her for a long while. He told her how disappointed he was in her and demanded to know where she had been throughout the night, to which she just replied that she was out with her friends and that it would never happen again. She told him it was irresponsible, and that she was sorry, but he didn't want to hear another word from her.

Getting grounded wasn't the only punishment, however. She was seriously hungover the whole next day, and she could only hope she wouldn't throw up each time she got out of her bed. She religiously avoided her father the whole day, so she wouldn't have to look him in the eyes.

On Monday, her father went to work later than usual and was there to greet her daughter after she woke up to get ready for school. She didn't understand why he was doing that, but she guessed she completely lost all his trust, which she didn't care about all that much nowadays anyway.

The only problem was that Luca was picking her up. Her father followed her out to the front door, and only a staircase away, the tall windows provided him with a great look outside, and Valentina prayed he wouldn't see Luca there with his car. After saying goodbye to her father, she jogged down the stairs and went outside, where Luca was waiting in his car, greeting her with a warm smile and a wave instantly.

"Hey," She smiled as she got into the car, looking at the windows carefully. "We can go."

"How are you?" Luca questioned, reversing out onto the main road. "You were pretty drunk..."

"Oh, believe me, I know. I knew the second I woke up and almost threw up," Valentina grimaced, tucking a strand of blond hair behind her ear. "Also, I'm grounded."

"You couldn't sneak back soundlessly after all?"

"Yeah, no, the balloon betrayed me," She sighed, but Luca only frowned in confusion.

"By the way..." He began, keeping his eyes strictly on the road. "You have told me quite a few things that night. Which I'm sure you weren't meaning to."

"Like what?" Valentina asked, growing alarmed. She sincerely hoped she didn't admit anything like that.

"You boosted my ego basically," Luca laughed lightheartedly. "You told me how pretty I was, how you loved my arms..."

"Oh, my god," She gasped, pinching the bridge of her nose, annoyed at herself. "No, let's pretend that didn't happen."

"Why? It was so adorable!" Luca grinned, but a blush seemed to be spreading on his cheeks.

"This is one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, I'm sure of it," She groaned, throwing her head back as she closed her eyes. "My dad is breathing down my back too."

"Because of this?"

"Well, kind of. He seems very mistrustful of me," She huffed. "I don't know what he'll do."

"I'm sure it's going to be just fine," Luca smiled warmly, then pulled into the parking lot of the school. "Let's go in and eat, maybe that will cheer you up."

He leaned over and unbuckled her seatbelt, before getting out of the car himself.


It turned out that Odette got grounded by her mother as well due to her being rather intoxicated and rude as she talked to her, and she spent the next day beside the toilet, which was quite hilarious to her two little sisters, but her father didn't find it amusing.

"Seriously, I don't get why mom was so mad at me." Odette shook her head defiantly as she ate her lunch, to which Ray rolled his eyes.

"Or you just don't remember," He commented, sticking some fries in his mouth. Valentina chuckled at her friend's death stare.

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