I turn my head. "Dad go!"

Dad seemed to be in worse state of shock and fear. I couldn't blame him. Because of me the last couple days of his life have been miserable. This is not the kind of life he lived before he found out about my job. Guilt filled me up.

Suddenly Dad's eyes went wide in dread looking behind me and he shouts in worry. "Leah watch out!"

I turn back just in time to get a full ass glass being smashed into my head. It was a glass and a bottle of water on the table next to us, the intruder chose the glass and man he was right to do so.

The blinding pain I felt was hell. I winced loudly as I stumble back a few steps until my father grabbed me from behind and my hand goes automatically to grab his shoulder for support.

Fuck was I dizzy. I blinked my eyes repeatedly trying to see past the pain. It felt like a burning on my forehead. The glass pieces sure did a good number.

"Leah oh my god", Dad cried.

I hissed in pain when he accidentally touched my wound while caressing my hair. He retracted his hand immediately.

A part of me was not evening acknowledging the pain, I was panicking. The intruder was still here and I had a feeling why he was in this room.

Suddenly I was pulled apart from Dad and thrown away like a piece of trash. I hit the ground next to the bed gasping. I heard a few things breaking and falling. I turn around to see the intruder fight my father who even though had no training was randomly throwing punches which bought him some time.

"Dad- ", I croaked weakly trying to ignore the wetness moving down the side of my head.

"Ah!", Dad doubled over in pain when the intruder punched his stomach.

That was it. I can't explain the sudden urge of adrenaline that pumps in my body seeing that. The whole thing gave me enough will to stand up and charge at the guy in full anger. He dare hurt my father.

I grabbed him by his neck and pulled him away from Dad. I started throwing punches and kicks at him without catching my breath or taking a second to cool down the waves of stings of pain in my wrist.

He tried his best to get back at me and even did a few times, but I was not backing off. No way.

Our fighting moved outside the room and carried down the corridor. I purposely keep kicking him to the direction of the stairs that go down. I was not letting this man escape, but he needs to be away from Dad.


Behind me Dad was screaming for my Papa and Uncle. I heard him banging his fists on the bedroom doors.

The man in front of me had a bloodied nose and easy light bruises which will only turn dark. I grabbed his mask and pulled it off when I got the chance. It took me a second, but I recognised the man. He was one of the gang guys that beat the shit out of Brody and Troy at school.

"So Luca is sending spineless pansies to carry out his dirty work?", I scoff.

The man sends me a glare wiping the blood coming from his nose with the back of his hand.

"You were lucky you ran out on us that day. But I'll kill you today. You beat my brothers and tried to kill my father today. BASTARD!", I yelled as I threw another punch to his face which caused a lot of pain to me as well.

He rolled down and spits blood out on our expensive carpet which earned him a kick in the abdomen. He groaned loudly, but gathered himself quick.

"Who said I was here to kill your father?", He smirked in his laboured breathing.

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