Part 5 Chapter 22

Start from the beginning

"We are truly sorry, but the position of our country has been determined by our leader, Moff Trevat. Also, the rewards are very unattractive because we have much better technology, sir." replied Gravit, before saying goodbye and delivering the ultimatum to Governor Ira.

"How arrogant the people of the Myto Empire are," Kyeos thought as ambassador Gravit left the 3rd foreign affairs department office. "But do those words have any truth, even if only in part?" Therefore, Kyeos ordered his men to research the sale of military materials between the Myto Empire and the Mu Empire through their spies in the Mu Empire.


Kingdom of Altarus, Capital of Le Brias.
Palace of King Taara the 14th
King's study.

"Gentlemen, we will now discuss our talks and requests with the Myto Empire. I will come to the Myto Empire embassy myself." King Taara the 14th said this to some of his closest state officials along with his daughter, Lumies, who was the oldest child of King Taara the 14th.

"We have a casualty count of 46 F1 fighters destroyed in the fighting. However, 31 pilots were rescued. Therefore, we still have 76 pilots who do not have fighter planes. Therefore, we hope that Your Majesty will negotiate to get at least 80 F1 fighter planes." said the military adviser. "For the wyvern troop, we managed to save 47 wyvern riders who were able to escape using parachutes."

"We also used a lot of 105mm and 40mm cannon ammunition, not to mention the heavy machine gun rounds that are heavily used by our Wyvern troops and ships. Currently, the industry that produces ammunition is still not ready for production, so we have to really depend on Myto Empire. " said the advisor in charge of logistical issues.

"If possible, we get more 105mm and 40mm guns to fit on our ships. It is the fastest way to upgrade our ships. Also, if we can buy engines to increase the speed of our ships." said the military adviser again.

"I will ask the ambassador of the Myto Empire after this meeting. I myself will go to the Myto Empire embassy. But what can we give in exchange for these favors?" said King Taara the 14th.

"If we are dealing with other countries, including, for example, Palpadia, then things become simpler. During the victory celebration party, lots of people, especially girls, offered to become slaves to be sent to the Myto Empire as a gesture of gratitude for saving our country. They gathered in front of the Myto Empire's embassy and caused enough commotion there before our security forces could disperse them. That in ordinary countries would be enough to give 'gifts', especially to state officials," said Princess Lumies. "But Myto Empire prohibits slavery, even our country is asked to gradually ban slavery."

"They've also turned down our gift in the form of small magic stone mines. They prefer to make a joint venture, which is actually much more profitable for us." said the advisor in charge of logistics.

"Father, if we have nothing to offer, at least allow me to go to Myto Empire to become Moff Trevat's mistress as a token of gratitude. At the very least, they will not make my life any more difficult, and may even make it easier. At least I can be a bridge between the two countries. If Moff Trevat refuses, I will offer to be Moff Trevat's personal assistant." Princess Lumies said.

"What? How can you say something like that? You are the crown princess who will inherit this kingdom." said King Taara the 14th. "This would be the same as Palpadia Emipre's request earlier that sparked this war."

"Isn't this getting better? By having a close relationship with the Myto Empire, the fate of our empire will be guaranteed. Unlike Palpadia, who wanted me to become a slave for nothing, I guess this would be much better. If I become queen, the two countries will be extremely close and politically advantageous."As for leading the kingdom, we can appoint a regent, who could be the eldest brother," the Lumies princess explained.

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