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Start from the beginning

"I'm in," she starts as I walk past her.

"I don't know what you're talking about—" with her hand suddenly on my shoulder, she turns me around abruptly.

"Come on, Vee. I wasn't born yesterday. You want to do a few more missions, and I say I'm in. If we can do missions without Ghost, then we can lead missions without Jungkook. I don't want you to feel like you're going against him, but Jungkook just can't see anything right now."

Twix comes to the side of me, putting her arm around me as we descend the stairs.

"Jungkook has lost his closest friends, his companion, and, well if you want to put it this way, his home. He's in shock and doesn't believe anything will fix that now. However, if we start those four little missions you mentioned, we can get started, and eventually, he'll follow. Jungkook's always been the leader, but now our leader is exhausted and needs a break, so I think it may be time he sits out for a while and watches us play." She smiles wickedly.

"So you're saying we just lead the missions on our own?" I point between myself and her as we step into the kitchen away from some of the sleeping people.

"Yeah, I think it's time for society to realize the crew has more than just men, don't you? Think about it, all the ones with names that are well-known are the guys, why not change that? Especially since the majority of our group here is female. I think we can offer some insight into what has gone wrong with the other missions. Besides, it's not like we don't know how to do it."

I listen to her words, and although she's right, I still don't know for sure. However, we suddenly turn our attention to the corner of the kitchen when we hear a voice.

"I'm doing it if you two are in, just so you know. I'm sick of always staying behind." I watch as Barbie stands up and walks over to us. "I might be pregnant, but I'm not helpless. Besides, I'm getting Jimin out before I have this baby. I'm going to make sure he sees our baby's birth no matter what." She grins, and it's as if all the worry has faded from her at this moment.

"So, what do we do first, Vee? You're the one with the plans. You said we need four missions, so let's do the first one tonight. It's only just now midnight, so it's the perfect time to cause a little mayhem. It's sudden and without preparation. No one will know about it but us." Twix winks while starting to take her seat at the kitchen table.

Barbie and I follow, and then they both have their eyes on me.

"So what mission did you have in mind first?" Barbie asks patiently, while I take a moment to collect my thoughts.

"Our last big mission is when we jumped off the skyscraper and we left that picture of the mayor, right? Well, I think the reason he's cracking down on us is that there's something he doesn't want us to see—something he doesn't want us to find out. So I suggest we go after those dirty files he has." I mention but watch how their faces don't change at all.

"The last time that happened, there was a bloody massacre. Hoseok died and so did a lot of the other members. We can't do another attempt at the major's office." Twix admits almost with a sad tone because she thinks my idea failed, but she's wrong.

"Who said anything about targeting the major's office? I'm talking about his home. After all that, I wouldn't doubt he has those dirty secrets locked away somewhere inside his house. So, I suggest for our first mission, we break into his house and unveil those secrets he's worked so hard to hide." Now their faces light up as if that's the best idea they've heard in a while.

"That's a great first start. Do you think we could pull it off now?" Twix asks, and I shrug.

"We don't know where his house is, we don't have the proper equipment, and we don't have any way to conceal our identities. There's still a lot we need before we do this—"

"Here," suddenly, we all jump from the thud of a black bag being tossed on the kitchen table before us.

Taehyung walks inside the room and unzips the black bag while exposing its contents.

"I say we have everything we need right here, and I'm all in if you want to break into that pig's house. Matter of fact, I'll gladly join. I'll stay on watch duty." He smirks confidently. "I've never been on any main missions before, so I say hell yeah. I want my name to go down in the history books after this, or at least I want my name to be known when they turn on the news stations."

I go through the bag, seeing spray paint cans, outfits, and wigs along with other useful items.

"And if you need help with the mayor's house, I know exactly where it is. It's not right in the city, but it is in a well-protected neighborhood. It'll be a piece of cake." Taehyung admits, coming closer and placing his hands on the table with a bit of excitement.

"What do you say, girls, wanna cause a little havoc tonight?" With our eyes meeting each other, we all silently and collectively agree that tonight we'll make history happen in our crew.

For the first time since these missions began, we'll be doing a mission without the help of Ghost or Jungkook. We'll be changing the rules, and with that, hopefully, our future, too. 

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Happy New Year! Sorry, this chapter was posted a few days later, but I was enjoying the holiday, too! I hope everyone has a wonderful new year and here's to 2023 🎉

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