Utopia Begins

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Let me make this clear, this is a SEQUEL, GO READ UTOPIA FIRST.

3rd Person POV
Nagasaki, Japan

"ただいま!" Genkei yelled out as he walked in, his boots making quite the noise.

"お父さん!" His two children, both girls, exclaimed happily as they ran to hug their father.

"ママはどこ?" Genkei asked his children.

His child pointed in the direction of the kitchen.

The house phone began to ring.

"私はそれを取得します," Genkei said as he walked into the living room and picked up the phone.

"こんにちは?" Genkei said when putting his ear against the phone.

"の チルドレン・オブ・ザ・ハーベストは彼らの要求を呼びかけます," The man on the phone said.

"ああ......そうか、彼らの要求は真夜中までに満たされるだろう," Genkei responded.

The caller on the phone hung up.

11:30 PM

Genkei headed down the pathway in the forest as he held a canister of very, very, deadly gas in his hand.

Once the pathway ended, there was a small trapdoor in the grassy open space.

Genkei then opened the trapper door and placed the canister into a small space designed for it.

Genkei then closed the trapdoor and started to cover the door with dirt and grass straight from other parts of the forest.

Once Genkei was done he went back into his car and drove back to his house.

12:00 AM

Genkei walked back into his house which was now quiet and dark, with only one dim small lamp in the living room to provide light.

Genkei stood in his children's room where they were sleeping peacefully.

Genkei then pulled out a revolver from his jacket pocket and shot one of his children, the four year old.

The other child woke up to the gunshot and screamed as she began to see her sister's blood dripping down from the top bed from their bunk bed.

Genkei then pointed the revolver at her.

"パパ、いや!" The girl cried before her father put a bullet into her head.

That's when Genkei's wife came running from the bedroom calling out her children's name in panic.

Genkei shot his wife two times in the head.

Genkei loved his life with his kids and wife.

But he gave his life to something else.

Genkei then walked out the house and waited for the truck to I come closer.

Once the truck was close enough, Genkei walked straight in front of the speeding truck.

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