"fuck you askin us for! you needa be trynna keep your dog on a leash. melmel done finally gave her a warning. wouldn't want your precious pot of gold to die would you" mani sarcastically rolled her eyes walking away and ddot followed draping his arm arm her.

"i'm going to get ice cream" dayday mumbled not wanting to be alone with them. "come on let's sit down" he said to treasure and gigi followed them.

"you swear you don't know how he knows melmel" he asked and treasure shrugged. "haven't seen him in like a year" she said. "mm" he looked over towards them seeing them playing with mina together with eva and notti.

"why you so worried about who she ar- OW" she yelled getting hit in the head with a shoe. dd looked and tried his hardest to hold in his laugh seeing it was a tiny black white and yellow high top dunk.

he looked over to see mia high fiving dayday laughing at treasure. "good job mia" dayday laughed and mia taunted pointing at treasure. "how you wike that gold!" mia laughed purposely saying her name wrong.

"i'm dead she said gold im calling her that now" dayday laughed. dd sighed standing up leaving treasure and gigi sitting down as he walked towards melmel and juju.

"wassup what y'all doin" he spoke looking at mina ."i pway this game!" she exclaimed then returned her attention back to it.

"she shooting the dinosaurs" melmel explained making him nod. "can i try" he asked mina. "oh you bet you can" she said.

he laughed and picked her up sitting her in his lap as he grabbed the handles and began shooting the dinosaurs coming at the screen making amina laugh at how he was just moving her arms in every direction to shoot them all.

"uhh imma go get some water" juju said wanting to give them alone time. "yeah and me and eva finna play the dance game cause they be cheating" notti pointed.

melmel sat next to dd as the continued playing resting her chin on the palm of her hand. "dd you know you suck right" she looked at him seeing his tongue darted out to the side of his mouth so he could concentrate.

"you can't do better" he smacked his teeth. "okay scoot over lemme show you" she said and he shook his head. he patted his right thigh-which is one the one not occupied by mina- and melody shook her head.

"you have a girlfriend" she said. "who?" he questioned. "no no my mama is my dada girlfwiend" mina objected making dd bust out laughing.

"okay one time dd" melmel scooted on to his legs grabbing the handles making him and mina laugh as she started shooting them with ease.

she tossed and turned her body making dd hold on to her waist with one hand. "mama so silly" mina laughed as she finished the round.

eva tapped on nottis shoulder getting his attention pointing at dd melmel and mina laughing like no one else was there.

"they gone get back together." notti nodded silently making it his mission to get them back together seeing how happy they were when they were together.

melody slowly got up collecting herslef. "sorry ian mean to get carried away" melody said. "you all good ma" dd shrugged just wanting to be normal with her again.

melody blushed looking down. "wets pway that one!" mina pointed at the basket ball game. dd and melmel looked at eachother smiling.

"come on" dd spun mina around as they walked to basketball nets.

treasure and gianna sat at the table watching them. "you sure they still don't want eachother?" gigi asked.

treasure had filled her head telling her how melmel was delusional and dd would never want her. she even went on to tell her younger sister dd never wanted her in the first place and that's why melody trapped him.

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