A Christmas Chapter 🎄

Start from the beginning

"I know but it's boring doing everything alone. Can I at least sit with you?" Perrie put her bag down so Leigh-Anne could sit beside her. The two watched the movie on the smart board. When it ended the teacher put on another one. Perrie was more interested in what was on Leigh-Anne's screen.

"Think you can beat him?" Perrie nodded and Leigh-Anne handed her the handheld console. With a few tries she beat the boss.

They sat together on the carpet playing the game for the rest of the day. The teachers didn't assign work or anything as it was the last day before winter break.

"Everyone, have a very happy holidays. I ask that you all return to your seats as you wait for your parents or siblings to pick you up."

"Thanks for letting me play, Leigh" Perrie tried to give the game back but Leigh-Anne refused.

"You can keep it. Merry Christmas!" Leigh-Anne hugged Perrie before returning to her seat.

Perrie turned the game off and held it in her hands. She's never gotten a real Christmas gift before, well. . . she has. But not a toy, she always got clothes.

"Perrie, Mom's here"

"Come Pez" Jade stood by the door waiting for Perrie.

"I'm coming." Perrie ran over to Leigh-Anne and hugged her as tight as she could before running over to Jade.

"Did you have a good day?"

"Yes. My friend gave me this for Christmas" She held the DS up.

"How much was that? You cannot take that Perrie. Her parents spent a lot of money on it. Go give it back"

"She gave it to me mama"

"Go give it back, I said" Perrie's shoulders slumped as she walked to Leigh-Anne's desk. 

"My mom said I can't have it" She said holding the game out to Leigh-Anne. 

"Why not? It's okay, take it."

"Perrie, come on. I have work." Jade said from the door.

"Please take it" Perrie asked Leigh-Anne, trying to give her the device.

"No take backs" Leigh-Anne said with a bright smile.

Jade walked over, taking it from Perrie and giving it to Leigh-Anne. 

"Don't give away the thing your parents work hard to buy you." She lightly scolded the girl, grabbing Perrie's hand.

Leigh-Anne frowned hearing this. She thought she was doing the right thing. She watched Jade scold Perrie as they left the classroom.

"Leigh, come on baby" She stood up walking over to Jesy with her belongings.

"Did you like your gift, bug?" Jesy asked, dressing her daughter in her outside clothes and pulling her hat on her head.


"Why the frown?"

"Perrie's mom yelled at me"

"We're you two being disruptive or naughty?"

"No mommy, I promise." Leigh-Anne took her hand as they walked out of the classroom.

"Then why did she yell at you, that's not nice" Leigh-Anne shrugged, she didn't know why she was in trouble with Jade either.

"Right there!" She pointed to Jade and Perrie standing at the bus stop.

"Come" Jesy began walking with Leigh-Anne to the woman and her daughter.

".  . . I don't even know why you would take it, you know better" Perrie stood staring at the snow covered ground as a few tears rolled down her cold red cheeks.

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