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"You're under arrest"

"You raised a knife to my mother,little girl?" Jade asked the young girl sternly.

All eyes fell on Leigh-Anne.

"She. . .she hit me maman"

"Do you think that makes it okay ?!"

"Please don't shout at her." Jesy was scared. The thought of Leigh-Anne with a knife still scared her.

"Huh. Do you?" Leigh-Anne was staring at her sock clad feet.

Jade grabbed her shoulders to get her attention. Leigh-Anne ran to jesy hiding behind her. Jesy immediately coddled her little sister.

"She's sorry, she didn't mean to" Jesy apologized looking between Jade and Perrie.

"Say sorry Leigh"

"I'm sorry Maman. Please don't hit me, I didn't want to hurt her. I just had to protect myself"

Jade took a deep breath.

"Leigh-Anne, that's not okay. You cannot try to stab everyone who makes you feel a little bit uneasy. You're going to apologize."

"Please don't make me. She beat me and tied me up. She called me a monster and an animal.Jesy don't let her take me sissy" Leigh-Anne whimpered softly holding onto Jesys shirt

"Its okay babe. I'll go with you okay? Make sure nothing happens to you" Jesy rubbed her shoulders gently


"Lets go" Jade grabbed the keys and made her way to the car.

"What if she hits me Jesy"

"She won't babe. Come on."

" I saw mommy Jesy."

"Leigh" Jesy looked at her little sister.

"Have you been sleeping?" Leigh-Anne shook her head. She had told Jesy all about her nightmares. All were about the same event but different scenarios.  Some nights it was her mark stabbing Victoria Some it was mark killing all three of them. Everytime she had a new one she wrote them in her letters to Jesy.

"Did you tell them?"

"No. I get so scared, Jesy. I'm so glad you're back, maybe I can sleep now."Jesy nodded

"You're okay now baby, I got you" She kissed her little sisters forehead.

"Come on you two" Perrie walked out behind them locking the door.

Once they were all in the car Jade began to drive to her mothers house.

"Miss Jade"


"I apologize for Leigh-Anne trying to stab your mother but I don't think she should be tying her up and beating her either. It could have possibly acted as a trigger for her."

"I understand that Jesy but she needs to learn that it's never okay to do that. To anyone. Especially my mother."

"Is she going to Jail?"

"Nope" Perrie said right away. She would never send her little baby to Jail. She could get the girl in shape herself.

It was irritating Jade that Perrie wasn't taking this seriously.

They got out of the car.

"Come on babe" Perrie held her hand out for Leigh-Anne. Jesy made her feel safe but so did perrie. So she waited for Jesy to get out of the car, grabbing her hand too.

Little Mix Kidficsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें