Shallow [2]

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"Jade, babe, are you ready to go?"

Jesy called for her daughter.

"Can you go get her babe?" She asked Leigh-Anne who nodded going upstairs.

"Jade?" Leigh-Anne softly knocked on her door.


"Can I come in?"

The door opened revealing Jade with red puffy eyes.

"What's wrong baby?" Leigh-Anne pulled her into a hug rubbing her back.


"Dont say it's nothing, something is obviously bother you. Tell me what it is so I can try to help you"

"I don't want to go mommy" she said quietly. Leigh-Anne didn't know what to say. Jesys parents were renewing their wedding vows and asked them to be a part of the ceremony. Jesy agreed while Leigh-Anne politely declined the offer. She wasn't the biggest fan of Jesys family and she wasn't going to sit in their faces and pretend that everything's all good when its not.

Jade on the other hand didn't have much of a say. Which she didn't really mind until her grandfather took her shopping for a suit. She didn't want to make it a big deal because she figured that she could tough it out for a few hours but it was taking a toll on her.

"You already told them you would babe"

"I don't want to wear this." Leigh-Anne pulled away from the girl to look at her outfit. She wore a simple tailored black suit.

"I can take you to get a dress and then you can meet mama there?"

"I don't want you to spend a lot of money on something for a few hours mommy."

"Do you want to stay home with me?"

"Yes. But I can't. I already told mama I would go with her."

" so what do you want to do"

"Can you come with me?"

"Jade. . ."

"Please mommy. I don't even talk to mama's family. I'll be all alone. "

Leigh-Anne was cordial with Jesy's folks but made the decision to keep Jade away from them. Jesy's family (with a few exceptions) is very close minded and judgemental. Leigh-Anne wanted to protect Jade from them. She used to be upset with Leigh-Anne when, she wouldn't let her play with her cousins but as she got older she started to understand why she did what she did.

"Fine,Only because you asked."

"Thank you mommy" Jade hugged the woman following her into her bedroom. She put on a black pantsuit to match Jades. She put her hair up leaving a few curls hanging.

"What about my hair?"

"What about it? It looks fine"

"I look like a boy, mommy." Jade whined looking through Leigh-Anne's vanity.

"No you don't, stop it."

"Can I use this?"

Leigh-Anne nodded watching the girl apply the make up.

She stood behind her pulling her curly hair back into a lose ponytail leaving a few strands out.

"We're twins, kinda" Jade smiled, looking at Leigh-Anne through the mirror.

"You look beautiful baby." Leigh-Anne gave Jade compliments everyday faithfully. it helped a lot with her confidence.

"Thanks mom"

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