Firefighters & Tea Parties

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"Jaden, come play with me" Jesse called for his brother. 

"I go play wif sissy!" He ran upstairs to his sisters room bursting in, not bothering to knock. 

"Sissy! Wanna play!"

"Stop shouting baby, mama's sleeping. what do you want to play?" 

"Tea party please sissy. Want cookies and tea tea please" 

"Sure bub. Let me go get the stuff." Leigh-Anne went down stairs making some Earl Grey tea and grabbing some snacks out of the pantry. 

Meanwhile Jaden was in his brother's room looking through his dress up chest. 

"What are you doing?"

Jaden jumped, turning around to look at his brother. He giggled holding up the costume. 

"Can I have dis?" 

"No, you can be the fire puppy. Want to be a fire puppy?" 


"Okay. I'll help you then we can put out all the fires and save the house." 

"Marshall!" He got excited seeing the paw patrol costume. 

"Help me"

Jesse got his brother dressed, putting the red hat on his head. 


"Puppies don't talk bubba" 


"Good boy" Jesse tapped the toddler's head. Jaden stuck his tongue out, panting. 

"Lets go in the backyard."

"Noooo, go wif sissy" 

Jaden crawled to his sissy's room. 

"Oh Jesus, the firefights haven't come to my tea parties in a while." Leigh-Anne felt like her tea parties weren't the same without Jesse throwing water at her, so she stopped having them, years ago. She was going to invite Jesse for old times sake. 

"Jesse, come play with Jaden and I" 

"No, I'm okay. I'm going in the backyard if mama or dada asks." Leigh-Anne watched her little brother walk down the stairs in his firefighter costume. 

Leigh-Anne followed him downstairs. 



"I'm inviting you to our tea party" 

"You said firefighters can't sit with princesses and only princesses can come to tea parties. I don't want to be a princess sissy."

"You can be a firefighter. I want to thank you for keeping our place fire free bubba." 

"Nope. Not interested" Jesse went outside. Leigh-Anne felt bad, she wanted to play with both her brothers but obviously he didn't want to play with her. 

She went back to her room. 

"Sissy" her baby brother whined. 

"Whats wrong?" 

"I want one" He pointed at a crown on her dresser. 

Leigh-Anne put it on his head, pouring him some tea and putting some cookies on his plate. She put an ice cube in his tea so it wasn't too hot. 

She enjoyed listening to him talk to her dolls and plushies. She sipped her own tea watching  him. 


"Then why didn't you?" Alex asked Jesse who was sitting in the backyard playing with the hose. 

"I don't know dada. I want to play with her because we never play together anymore. Is it because I don't wear her dresses?" 

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