part 96

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[More stuff i found in my drafts and feel comfortable with sharing. Also what can i call Male Perrie. I dont really care for Perry so hes Pez until i find something better. ]

"Meet me afterschool, pez" Jade kissed the boys cheek making his cheeks flush. He had a big crush on her.

The day went on and the fifteen year old only had one thing on his mind, or in this case, one person: Jade. When the final bell rang he packed his things up and made his way to Jades locker.


"Hey, don't be so shy. It's just me." She smiled putting some books in to her bag before closing her locker.

She held his hand and they walked out of the school.

"Hey babe" The schools 'bad boy' Jesse stood up putting his Helmet on his motorbike.

Jade ignored him walking past with Pez who kept his head down to avoid eye contact.

"This your new boyfriend? A downgrade if you ask me" He teased slowly riding beside them.

"Hey fuck boy"

"I know you hear me"

He continued to ignore him.

"I'll beat your punk ass In front of her and guess what. She'll come running back to me."

"No one is scared of you Jesse" Jade spoke looking at her ex. Pez also looked back at him which was a big mistake.

He got off the bike shoving pez. He fell back into some grass. He began to scoot back as Jesse got closer to him.

"I'm not d-dating her. We're just go-going to um. . study. I need some h-help wi-with my uh. . .math"

"Shut your. . .uh, uh. . . St-stupid ass up." He mocked him. Pez decided to make a run for it. He stood up and began running down the street. He heard Jade calling for him but he was scared that Jesse was going to beat him up again. He did it a few times. The first time was his freshman year. He wanted to look cool and beat him up badly. He spent a few months in the hospital recovering from the severe concussion. Jesse knocked him unconscious and he hit his head on the concrete which is what caused his mild stutter.

He ran occasionally looking over his shoulder to see how close he was. He was a few feet behind him.

He didn't live too far from the school, he was praying that one of his parents was home. He tripped but quickly recovered running up the steps to his house.

"Dad!! Dad!!!" He banged on the door but no one answered. With nowhere to go and Jesse getting closer and closer he took off again.

"Stop running little bitch!" Pez was getting tired and thankfully he remembered his mom's bestfriends shop. He ran into the small restaurant jumping over the counter. He took a little fall landing at the woman's feet.

"Pez, what's going on?"

He put his hands up to his lips. She continued ringing up the customer who watched with a confused expression on his face.

Jesse pushed the door open with lots of force.

"Where is he!"

"You better get up out of my shop with this madness before I call the police." Jesse raised his hands walking out.

"You too" She pointed at Jade.

"I haven't done anything. I'm here to work on something with Pez"

He stood up from behind the counter when he heard his name.

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