Part 115

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The toddler bawled, screaming and crying in pain.

"Baby, baby" Perrie scooped the young girl up.

"Baby, what's wrong? What hurts?" Perrie rocked her little one trying to calm her down.

Perrie noticed that her nappy was leaking. She put the two year old into a warm bath. She cupped water over her trying to calm her down.

Jesy squeezed her legs trying to relieve the pain.

"Don't do that bubba. Let mommy see" Perrie pulled her hands away from her legs and when she did she saw her muscle spasming.

"Aww no. It hurts doesn't it?" Jesy nodded more tears rolling down her cheeks.

Perrie stood up to get her daughter some children's pain reliever. She measured it in a syringe.

"Say ahhh" Jesy opened her mouth and Perrie pushed the pain relieving medicine onto her teeth.

It seemed the warm water was helping as well. Jade groaned coming into the bathroom. She was tired.

"Needed a bath in the middle of the morning baby?" She asked, sitting beside the tub next to her wife.

"Owwie mama"

"Owwie? Where baby?"

"Your legs?" Jade asked when Jesy pointed to her thighs.

"Maybe we should take her to the hospital"


"She's been having these muscle spasms and cramps almost every night. She runs through nappies and drinks lots of water and milk."

"No no, don't drink that baby" Jade lowered Jesy's hands when she cupped the bath water into her hands trying to drink it.

"I'll go get her a sippy." Perrie went into their kitchen to fill the sippy with cold water.

Jade dried Jesy off and tapped a nappy on her. She noticed that her daughter was feeling quite warm.

"What's going on bubba?" Jesy clung to Jade.

Jade brought Jesy to their bedrooms putting on cartoons Jesy cuddled into her mama going to sleep.

"Bubba. Do you want water?" Perrie held the sippy out to the I'll toddler.

"Thanks mommy"

"You're welcome baby" Jesy guzzled the water, handing it back.

"More please"

"You want more?" Jesy nodded, rubbing her eyes.

"Baby, bring some Vaseline as well."

"Okay. Do you need anything else?"

"I'm alright-Oh no, can you bring my laptop. I think I'm going to call out"

Perrie nodded getting Jesy more water, Jade's laptop and the Vaseline.

"What do you need this for? Are you checking her temperature?" She asked, handing the toddler her cup.

"Should I? I was going to put it on her lips. They're really chapped."

"Oh, Ok. I can do it"

Perrie sat on her side of the bed and called Jesy over. She crawled over to Perrie laying on her.

She put some Vaseline on her finger before putting it onto Jesy's lips.

"Don't lick it bubba. It's yucky isn't it?"

Jesy nodded. Cuddling into her mommy.

"She is quite warm isn't she?"

Perrie put the back of her hand to her forehead.

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