Part 70 [Alternative]

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-This was my first draft of part 70, I think-

"I'll get it" Perrie told Jesy, standing up to see what her daughter was screaming about.

"What's with all the screaming?" She asked entering the girls bedroom. She saw the older of the two, Leigh-Anne, sitting in her bed looking frightened. While Jade was screaming her head off.

"Make it stop mommy!" Leigh-Anne shouted over Jade with her hands over her ears.

"Jade, why are you doing that?" She crouched down to her younger daughter's bed. Jade was squeezing one of her hands in the other.

"Please stop screaming baby" Jade didn't stop. Jesy came into the room a little while later and Leigh-Anne ran over to her.

"I'm scared Mama"

"What's going on?" Jesy asked picking Leigh-Anne up.

"I don't know babe. She's acting a little strange."

"She's probably just tired or ill, babe."

"Yeah but I need her to stop screaming." Jade was going red in the face, it was worrying the women as she's never done this before.

"Alright, just take Leigh out of here" Jesy was so busy watching Jade that she didn't even notice Leigh-Anne crying. She rubbed the girls back, taking her into the kitchen.

"Whats wrong with Jade mama?"

"I don't know, baby. I think she is a bit sleepy." Both Leigh-Anne and Jade had tendencies to get cranky and grumpy when they missed their nap but it's never been this bad.

Perrie lifted Jade out of the bed, setting her on the floor. She had got her to stop screaming but now she was completely silent. Perrie was confused when the girl fell to the floor. She sat on the floor for a little bit before she started to crawl.

"Baby stand up" Jade ignored her crawling out of her bedroom. Perrie picked her up carrying her into the kitchen where Jesy was cutting up Leigh-Anne's waffles.



"Look" Jesy turned around to Perrie watching as she set Jade onto her feet.

"What's wrong?"

Perrie moved her hands from under her arms and Jade fell to her hands and knees crawling away from them.

"Come here Jade" Jesy called for the girl but she didn't get a response.She walked into the living room where Jade was sitting on the floor staring at something while blowing bubbles.

"Baby why are you doing that? Come" Jade continued what she was doing without a care in the world

"Mama is talking to you Jade." Jesy sighed picking her up, this was new. Maybe she was having a silent tantrum. The bubbles were alarming.

She brought her into the kitchen, sitting her at the table next to Leigh-Anne.

"Here bubba" Leigh-Anne put the waffle up to her little sisters mouth.

Jade put her hand out and Leigh-Anne handed it to her. Jade accidentally dropped it whining when she did. She wanted waffles. Perrie put one in the toaster for her, it was taking to long. She reached her hand out grabbing a fistful of Leigh-Anne's hair tugging on the dark brown curls.

"Owww Jade" Leigh-Anne cried trying to get the girls hands out of her hair but Jade had a tight grip.


"Yes-Jade!" Perrie rushed over taking Jades hand out of her hair.

"Don't do that. Say sorry" She lightly scolded the girl. Jade blinked a few times but went back to blowing her bubbles.

"Are you okay Leigh?" Perrie kissed the girl's head.

"Why did she pull my hair mommy?"

"I don't know, baby. I don't think she's feeling too well."

"Oh, okay. Its okay Jade." Leigh-Anne hugged her sister who began to cry.

"Whats wrong bubba. You're scaring me." Perrie told the girl lifting her into her arms. Jade stopped crying and clapped. Perrie was so confused by her behavior. This was only the start of it.

As weeks went by it got worst. Jade had lost almost all her motor skills. Jesy and Perrie knew something was wrong when their fully potty trained four year old began to wet herself. She didn't walk or talk, she had to be carried everywhere and spoonfed.

"Come on Leigh"

"Coming mama" Jesy held her hand out for the six year old. Perrie had been waiting for the two in the car with Jade.

They had been taking Jade to lots of doctors appointments trying to figure out what was wrong with her. Today they were drawing blood to try and find a diagnosis.

Perrie and Jesy sat in the waiting room, watching Leigh-Anne try to play with Jade.

"Here bubba" Leigh-Anne held a toy car out for Jade.

"Its over here, Look" Jade took the toy with two hands putting it into her mouth, which took a few tries since her motor skills were off.

"No bubba, its dirty" Leigh-Anne quickly took the car away from Jade. She began scream causing a bunch of heads to turn in the direction of the family of four. Leigh-Anne got up throwing the car back into the toy bucket.

"Come to mommy" perrie held her arms out for Leigh-Anne. She's taking it pretty hard. She's been trying to help Jade and play with her but almost everytime Leigh-Anne and Jade interacted it ended with Jade having a screaming episode.

"Why doesn't she like me mommy?" The girl cried into Perrie. Perrie pulled her into her lap rubbing her back.

"Its not you baby. She loves you. It's just that . . ." Perrie didn't really know what was going on with Jade so she didn't know how to explain it to Leigh-Anne.

Jesy had Jade in her arms walking around the waiting room trying to put her to sleep. Once Jade yawned she sat down next to her wife. Bouncing the four year old on her lap. Jade fell asleep about ten minutes later.

"Leigh, baby, it's not your fault. You did a good job taking the toy out of her mouth right ?"Jesy asked.

"Yeah, it's dirty mama"

"Right. Maybe mommy can take you to go get some ice cream" Perrie looked at Jesy who nodded.

"Are you sure you got it?" Jesy nodded.

Can we mommy?"

"Sure baby. Come on, tell mama you will see her later." Jesy kissed Leigh-Anne's cheek and Waved at the two.

"Does she have to stay there mommy?"

"I don't know baby"

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