Little Me [2]

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Three years later: Little leigh is 6

Leigh-Anne's POV:

We pulled up to Leigh's school it was about three o'clock. We got out of the car waiting for our daughter. I started to get worried when all the teachers walked back into the building. I checked my phone seeing that it was now 3:10.

I walked in being stopped by a security guard.

"I'm here to pick up my daughter "I said to him because he was starting to fill out his visitor log and asked me for ID.

"Is this her" he asked, showing me our name scribbled on a post it.


"Okay her teacher would like to have a word with you " he pointed down the hallway to a room right before double doors.

I thanked him before walking down the hall way. I figured that she had gotten into some trouble because why else would the teacher need to speak to me. Low and behold we walk into the class room to see little Leigh at her desk with her head down. I looked around seeing that the card under her name was red.

"Good afternoon, I take it your Leigh-Anne's mother .Please have a seat"

"Yes, is something wrong" I asked sitting on the left side of my daughter

"So, today we had a small altercation with Leigh-Anne and her classmate Hannah." I looked down at my daughter. She had already gotten into trouble this morning. She just quickly looked down at her hands in her lap. That's when I noticed that she was no longer wearing the navy skirt I had dressed her in this morning.

"Hannah and Leigh-Anne had a disagreement which resulted in some not so nice words being used by both girls. Hannah says she 'accidentally' spilled water on Leigh-Anne during art. Leigh-Anne shoved her making her fall-"

"Is that why she's wearing her gym bottoms" I asked cutting her off

"Yes ma'am, however I'd like to remind you that there is a zero violence policy at this school. Leigh-Anne is a great student and this is her first offense so we will consider this a warning. Leigh-Anne?"

I looked up at her before realizing that she was talking to little Leigh.

"Look at your teacher, she's speaking to you" I said to her and she just looked at her teacher.

"If something happens, or if someone is bothering you, I would like for you to come speak to me. Okay?" she teacher spoke in a soft voice

Leigh just nodded. "Speak Up" I told her

"Yes ma'am, I apologize for my behavior today, it wont happen again" The teacher nodded and stood up dismissing us. Telling us to have a good night. I grabbed leighs bag and we walked out closing the door behind us.

Once a good distance I grabbed her arm pinching it. Not too hard but not too soft either.

"What did I say before I dropped you off" I asked sternly. She started to cry holding her arm.

"To b-behave. But"

"No buts. You're in trouble" I said to her as I grabbed her hand and walked out of the building to the car where I saw Jesy leaning against the car on her phone. We got a little closer and she looked up from her phone.

"Hey baba how was- what's wrong?" she asked picking her up. Leigh just stayed quiet and put her head into Jesy's neck. I opened the back door waiting for Jesy to put her into the back. She put her into her booster seat before strapping the seat belt over her. I closed the door and walked over to the passenger side.

Little Mix KidficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora