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“-So how is it Different Leigh-Anne” Leigh-Anne wasnt really paying the interviewer any mind as her children were clowning around in front of her lap top where she was on the zoom.She was giving them a motherly glare as they werent really getting the hint.

“I’m so sorry. What was that?”

“Oh, I was just curious about how different it is. Youre acting instead of singing and youre on your own. What is it like?”

“I’ve been in my group for so long that even sitting here alone in an interview feels strange but in terms of acting, it feels good to step out of my-”

“I had it first!”

“So what. Its mine!”

“You werent even thinking about it!”

Leigh-Anne muted herself

“Give it to me” she held her hand out for the toy that her five and six year old couldn't seem to stop arguing over.

“Now Jade” Jade put the toy in her mothers hand sitting on the floor her arms crossed over her chest. Perrie joining her.

“Im really sorry about that”

“Its no problem are those the little ones?”

“Yes the two oldest. What was i saying? Um. i really don’t remember”

“You were saying that it feels good to step out of your comfort zone I'm assuming"

“Right, I think although it was a different environment I was comfortable because i still got to sing which is what im used to.”

“Do you think that you would maybe swap out singing for acting?”

“No, never. I love to sing and write so ill always do that but i also like to act. So even when im acting ill probably still write for other artists. Thats what ive been doing.I’ve wrote my own song for Boxing day so be on the look out for that."

Leigh-Anne watched as the interviewer smiled before laughing a bit. She smiled not knowing why he was laughing until she looked behind her. Jade and perrie were making faces and giving her bunny ears.

The dogs began to bark as her Husband walked through the front door. She muted herself again.She hated zoom interviews they were the worst. He came into view he was about to lean down to kiss her but she held her arm out.

“Im in an interview, can you please take them outside?”

He nodded putting his bag down and taking his daughters into the backyard to play a little football with them. Perrie got bored of football after failing to score and began jumping on the trampoline.

Leigh-Anne apologized once again and they spoke for a little while longer before she left the zoom. She sent Andre a text saying that he could bring the girls back in.She got up to check on her toddler who was standing in her playpen smiling around her binky. Leigh-Anne lifted her daughter asking if she was hungry.

“Num nums?”

“Yes, do you want num nums?” Jesy nodded and Leigh-Anne put her into a highchair slicing some grapes into fours. She set them on the table in front of the girl as she put some chicken nuggets in the oven for the girls. 

“Mama?” She heard Jade call for her.

“Im in the kitchen”

“I scored two goals”

“Thats great bubba, but please go have a bath. Lunch is almost ready”


“Perrie you too”

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