Chapter 28: End game

Start from the beginning

" nope, never, nuh-uh" I shook my head.

He was swirling with mystic energy " I have never felt anything like this! Sheer exhilaration! Intense energy! Focus of power!".

" and perfectly tailored" said the little gargoyle.

" yeah, somebody got a celebrity villain makeover. Hot-cha!" Said the bigger gargoyle.

He then flicked them.

" master shredder, we await your orders" Foot brute and foot lieutenant bowed down to him.

" shredder? I'm not shredder, I am Baron Draxum! With this armor, do you know what I will do to the humans?".

Foot brute lifted his head " uh...shred them?".

He then got slapped by the armor " No! What's with you and all the shredding? I will destroy them!".

His armor turned to a drill and he went flying, with some building parts falling down, some hard rubble bout fall on me, but splinter covered me.

" guys, everybody okay?" Raph asked.

Everyone was fine and Raph pulled out the stone from underneath me and splinter and I groaned and my eyes darted at him "Splinter?"

I rolled over groaning and sat up not all the way but almost " dad?" Raph asked worriedly.

Splinter groaned " my sons...".

" dad, Leslie!" Mikey exclaimed worriedly.

" Dad, Leslie, are you hurt?" Leo asked worriedly.

" of course we are hurt! Now help leslie up" Splinter said.

Leo leaves down and picked me up and my head leaned against his plastron and he also leaned his head towards me.

Donnie then started putting dirt on him " We shall miss you, father!".

Splinter groaned and wiped the dirt of his face " I'm not Rest In Peace hurt, I'm rest on the couch hurt".

" dad, we got to apologize. We tried to follow the way of the Hamato Clan, but it just didn't work for us" Raph apologized.

" no, no. It is I who should apologize to you. The scrolls were wrong. And I was wrong to make you follow them." Splinter apologized.

" so, you're not mad at us?" Mikey asked.

" no. It is not training, or rules, or tradition, that makes you special. It is being yourselves, if I had faith in how special you each are...none of this would've happened".

The boys and I awed and Donnie was choked up " I don't normally feel things, but that one got through".

We all hugged him and he was in pain " ow! I just had my spine crushed!".

He brought out the their masks " here, I brought you something".

They took their black and red outfits and put their masks on and were their awesome selves.

"Now go! And be your awesome selves!" Splinter declared.

Mayhem then appeared and into April's arms.

" mayhem, great! Okay, you guys stop the baron, we'll take care of splinty and leslie!" April exclaimed.

I scoffed " I'm fine, I'm going with them, I'm not that hurt".

Leo turned me around " let us know if you feel anything hurting" I nodded.

Donnie then had his drill come up and we cheered.

" all right! Time to finally see what this baby can do!" Leo exclaimed.

Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles: Leonardo x leslieWhere stories live. Discover now