Chapter 2: bug busters

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I was riding in what the turtles call the turtle tank going to stop oozeflies because they invited me and I accepted because they are actually kind of fun.

" Donnie I need an update" Mikey said

" okay, one more time: Baron Draxum created ooze and put it in carrier bugs that bite people and turn them into mutants, and for some reason, it's up to us to stop the whole situation" Donnie told him.

" no, I need an update for my phone."

I slapped my face

Raph interrupted that little conversation " Focus. The news said this hotel was full of oozesquitoes. We're suited up so let's get down to business"

We drove to the hotel where people were screaming and running out of the hotel.

" Definitely in the right place" I commented

We busted in, ready to face off against the bugs

" okay, bugs it's just you and me" said Raph

" and me. I'm here too" a random guy clarified

We blinked at the guy and Leo swept towards him " Do not fear, sir. We are unlicensed amateurs, and we have the situation mildly under control."

I rolled my eyes

The guy looked at Leo " ew, your skin's all green"

" relax, sir. It's a perfectly normal side effect of all the chemicals we use"

I chuckled " I, for one, wouldn't really trust him with this"

He glared at me " why are you here again?" I shrugged " I was bored"

We then went to Raph who was going over the plan " All right, remember the plan. Attract, smash. Zap, smash. Bash, smash!"

I made a wtf face " t-that's a horrible plan!"

Meanwhile the guy was trying to stop us from trying to break anything which was then being chased by the oozebugs.

" I say we revise Raph's plan to make sure this guy doesn't get mutated." Leo clarified.

" Stick to the plan! If we capture the oozesquitos, nobody gets mutated. All right, Mikey, you're up." Raph counterbacked.

Mikey jumped In with his happy go lucky attitude " Roger, skipper! Honey based distraction released" and poured it over himself.

While Mikey was trying to get the bugs, the rest of us were trying to help the guy, well mostly I was trying to protect the guy, they were trying to get the bugs but that ended super well🙄 ( sarcasm) and he ended up getting electrocuted by Raph " not me, the bugs!"

Leo then popped up with his green gas " Get behind me. My trusty cloud of noxious gas will save you"

I groaned " actually, it's kinda suffocating him" I looked at the guy who was having a hard time breathing.

Raph looked over to Leo and scolded him " Leo, you're wasting it. We need that for the bugs."

They got in each other's faces " I'm protecting this guy" I then got in his face " you're doing a poor job of it"

He scoffed at me " whose side are you on?" I scoffed back " not yours, obviously🙄"

The 3 of us then started tackling over the guy and then Donnie accidentally let his big purple orb thing loose trapping all of us inside.

" plan is really coming together, Raph." Leo sarcastically said " No more honey next plan " he finished.

As we were trapped in the orb, the guy got bit and turned into a bull running out of the hotel.

Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles: Leonardo x leslieWhere stories live. Discover now