Chapter 17: Sparring partner

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I was in the lair, skateboarding with the turtles-except Raph, who was in the garage doing his own thing.

Then, a big crash from the garage messed Leo up and kinda interrupted our own thing.

" boom shakalaka. Did that come from the tank garage?" Mikey asked.

" no, no, no, no. No, there's definitely nothing wrong with my tank because it for sure doesn't backfire for no reason sometimes" Donnie denied.

I helped Leo up and another crash happened " ugh. That's seriously annoying!" I said.

Leo knocked on the garage door and we heard Raph " Whoo-hoo! That's the stuff".

" Raph, is that you?" Mikey asked.

" No—I mean, yes. Why would I speak and then it not be me? *laughs* one second" Raph responded.

He's off.

There was more crashing and clattering in the garage and he then showed his face through the crack of the garage " Hey, It's my brothers and my best friend. What brings you all to the lair?".

They forced the garage door open and I asked " what was all that noise?".

" what noise?" Raph asked.

"Was that just you setting up our next sparring session?" Leo asked.

" Sure, yeah. It was that and nothing else" Raph said.

I gave him a look that I suspected him.

" sweet. I could go for a game of capture the bandana" Mikey said.

" Usual rules, first to grab a bandana other than his own color is the winner" Donnie said.

" ooh, that sounds fun" I smiled.

Raph rubbed his head nervously " uh, I'm not really in the mood to play a game".

" then why'd you set it up?" Leo asked.

Raph blinked rapidly then sweat " Oh, that's right. I-I am in the mood".

I tilted my head and went towards him and put a hand on his cheek " you okay, big red?".

He smiled nervously and took my hand patting it softly " y-yep, totally fine!".

"Dude, what is with you?" Donnie asked.

Mikey blew the horn " Donnie versus Raph. Go!".

Donnie charged at Raph with his tech-bo " Taste my bandana fury!".

He tapped his plastron with his tech-bo and Raph fell in the most fake way possible " Whoa. Donnie, you are so strong".


Donnie smirked " a quadruple threat, my friend. Strong, funny, amusing and hilarious".

" riiiighhht" I dragged out.

" kind of look like Raph took a dive." Leo said while sipping his tea.

" please, Leo, you forget Einstein's law of brains over brawn" Donnie said.

Raph started pushing us out " right. That. Uh, okay, good game, then."

He didn't know but sneakily flew over his head so I could see what he's up too.

He closed the garage door and he scoffed " Einstein's law of over brawn. Of course I took a dive, so I could get back to my real bandana game with my favorite sparring partner".

Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles: Leonardo x leslieWhere stories live. Discover now