Chapter 28: End game

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We were stuck in a cage and it was absolutely boring.

" how did we get captured? We did exactly what pop taught us!" Raph exclaimed confused.

I shrugged " maybe this is what splinter wanted".

Mikey nodded " yeah, maybe this is our destiny!".

" locked in a cage, failed in our mission, held for ransom by the foot, and none of us gave him grandchildren? Somehow I think he wanted more" Leo said.

" maybe we didn't didn't stay true to the hamato ways. Dad taught us the wisdom is within us. We just need to focus, meditate deeply, and our path will be revealed.

Me and Donnie: Ohm's law.

The guys just stared at that I chuckled " sorry".

" could you guys hear that?" Donnie asked.

We then went to meditating and, nothing was going on for me and I felt like all I was doing was just closing my eyes and finally Raph opened his mouth.

" that was useless!".

" I gotta say, I'm not feeling this Hamato Clan stuff at all" Leo complained.

" me neither" Mikey also complained.

" probably not working for me because I'm not of the Hamato Clan" I mumbled as I cuddled up to Leo and he put his arm around me.

" yeah, no one is, but papa will chew his tail off if we don't stick to the book." Donnie said.

" well, look where the rule book landed us! I say we ditch this Hamato Jazz and be ourselves!" Raph suggested.

The boys agreed " we be we, baby!" Mikey exclaimed.

" so what are you gonna do, boss man?" Leo asked.

" I'm smashing us out!" Raph exclaimed as he punched the bars.

" wait a second. You could've done that the whole time?" Leo asked.

I shrugged " plot reasons". (Fourth wall breaking😎).

They jumped down and I flew down and we finally got to an opening and we saw lightning.

" based on my knowledge of climatic finishes, the dark armor's got to be up there!" Raph said.

We busted through walls and eventually got to splinter and the boys perked up.

"Dad?" Raph asked happily.

" my boys, Leslie!" Splinter exclaimed happily.

We then saw Draxum hold up a helmet, meaning it was the last piece of the dark armor.

I gulped " um... is that...".

" the final piece of the dark armor?" Raph asked terrified.

Draxum connected the helmet to the dark armor and it started forming and it engulfed him and he was whole with the armor.

" At last, I can end the human threat once and for all!" Draxum declared.

Raph pounced " not if we have anything to say!".

He went up against him, but the mystic energy was creating a rift between their heads and he flicked Raph's head and sent him flying to the ground.

The odds are not in his favor.

Draxum then pulled building tops together over us.

" okay, question. Was he always strong enough to do that?" Leo asked.

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