chapter 21- eight months

Start from the beginning

When the laughter died down and only the last giggles were left, Gray stood up. 'Shall we go now?' he asked his girl.

Juvia took the last sip of his drink and stood up. 'Hai!' she grabbed her bag and looked at the others. 'We are going home after shopping. We'll see you tomorrow'.

'Take it easy', Bisca said while the others waved the couple of.


Juvia was grinning while they walked through the city. Gray knew he was going to feel sorry but he asked anyway. 'What are you so happy about?' he didn't even realize it, but he had an grin himself.

Juvia grabbed her bag while swooning. 'It's almost like we're married!'

'Isn't that a bit early to say that?'

Juvia blinked a few times. 'Why? We're living together and we're going to get a baby', she purred the last part.

'True, bu-'

'What is Juvia saying!?' she became flustered. 'That wasn't a hint. Gray-sama doesn't need to propose or anything'.

Gray grunted something in response, but Juvia didn't knew what it meant and didn't dare to ask. They continued their way in silence till they arrived at the shop.
Juvia ran inside and walked straight towards the clothes. Her eyes shined with excitement.

'Remember, we can't buy too much now....', Gray looked at a shirt Juvia presented. 'Because we don't know the gender yet'.

'How about the shirt?'

'Looks good, how about something like this?' the ice-mages eyes met a simple pair of pants.

'That's cute!' Juvia looked like she could buy the whole store. 'Gray-sama?'

'yeah?' he said while scanning the clothes for something else... Maybe he was lucky with the pants because he didn't see anything he liked.

'Do you think it's going to be a boy or girl?'

'I don't know'

'But if you have to guess'

'Uhmmm', Gray picked some jacket that seemed decent. He showed it to Juvia but she politely put it back on the rack. 'I'm going to say... girl?'

'Juvia is hoping for a little Gray-sama', she laid her head on his shoulder.

'Could I help the happy couple today?' an assistance of the store stood behind them. Her green hair was tied up in a high bun.

'Couple', Juvia bumped playful against Gray.

'Sorry, I thought you were a couple since...' the woman looked at Juvia's belly.

'We are', Gray helped her sort out her thoughts. 'And we need some stuff like a bottle, soother, toys... uhmm'

'We don't have one of those mattresses for changing diapers', Juvia added.

'Of course, please walk this way please. I'm sure we have everything you need'.


Two hours later they walked out of the store with bags full of everything they might needed. Gray did some jobs these last days, just to make sure they could afford everything they might needed.

Juvia was looking forward joining her man on a quest when the baby was old enough. At the moment not one person of the guild even allowed her to look at the request board. Just to be sure; Juvia wasn't allowed to use any kind of magic till the baby arrived.

They were back at their little house. Gray dropped the bags on a little table while Juvia dropped herself on the bed. The raven-haired boy walked into the kitchen only to return fast after with a mug full of hot choco. He sat next Juvia on the bed. 'We really need to find an apartment soon', Gray sighed.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficWhere stories live. Discover now