59. Christmas Spirit [Christmas Special] [Part-2].

Start from the beginning

Tanis- No. This isn't real. Geb Repulse!!

Tanis Repulse forms sharp sand that blows away the fire on her but causes a sand storm. When the fire gone she wearing the Egyptian royal clothes of the pharaoh wife. 

Tanis [Surprised]- Uh!? Why am I wearing this?

As the sand storm clears she in the pharaoh thrown room. Tanis has a feeling of dread when she turns around she see's the Pharaoh and two body guards with him.

Tanis [Thoughts]- No not this. Not my arrest!

As the two Egyptian guards approached Tanis the screen changes to Winnie who just finished killing the last of Krampus's Wolfs. Slamming her fist through the last one and tossing it aside.

Winnie [Thoughts]- Ha. All to easy.

Werewolf Spirit [Thoughts]- Hey stupid save our Mate!

Winnie was going to tell her off until she see's Ethan wrapped around Krampus tung. Winnie dash off towards Krampus as he opens his bag he threw Tanis in.

Ethan [Thoughts]- Dam it. I can't move my body! It must be some kind of stun ability.

Krampus- Ha Ha Ha! I got you now! Seen you'll be trapped with your Mummy. . Sister!?

That when Winnie cuts through Krampus tung freeing Ethan.

Krampus- AHHHHHHH! You ungrateful mutt.

Ethan try's to strike Krampus but he blast Ethan back with a telekinesis blast. That cuts up his Warlock Armor but he manages to remain up right and Winnie runs over and joins Ethan.

Winnie- Ready to end this Apprentice.

Ethan- Right behind you master.

Krampus- Ha. Try if you want. But you wont leave a scratch on me.

Winnie- We'll see about that. Let's go Ethie! 

Ethan- Right behind ya!

As Ethan and Winnie charge at Krampus he grips his sword with both hands tight as the Blade Burns Dark Red. Winnie turned into her Werewolf form and Ethan jumps on her back. There body's are consumed by magma and Dark Blue Lightning as they charge at Krampus.

Ethan and Winnie- Lightning Werewolf Blast!

Krampus- Nightmare Strike!

Krampus sword strike leaves a night sky strike with his sword strike while Ethan and Winnie strike burns the night sky left by Krampus. A second after they pass Ethan and Winnie have lights cuts all over there body's. Krampus smiles but it quickly disappears when he turns around to face them. Showing the giant sword strike across his chest.

Krampus- I guess I was wrong. UH!?

Krampus collapse as his body burns away into black fog. As the screen changes to Tanis being chained up and her parents being put into there sarcophagus. She then dragged to her Time Sarcophagus. As the women who took everything from her watches her.

Tanis- No! I wont let you get away with this again!

But as she brake free from the guards grip hand emerge from the  sarcophagus and grab her.

Tanis- No. . .NO! 

Tanis [Thoughts]- Gods please no not this hell again.

As she yanked through the sarcophagus screen changes to Ethan and Winnie yanking Tanis out of the gift bag. She kicking her eyes look like she in a trance.

Ethan- Tanis it's ok it me. Ethan.

Winnie- I think she in a trance.

Ethan grips both Tanis hands stopping her from hitting him. Winnie place hand on Tanis head and brakes the trance. When Tanis regains her eye sight and notice Ethan and Winnie.

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