Part 5 Chapter 21 The Battle of Le Brias

Start from the beginning

Major Carlo saw the condition of the beach after he got down from his vehicle, a 'tactical car' vehicle that had just been obtained from Myto Empire. Behind him was a small convoy of 10 trucks, each towing a cannon. There are six 40-mm and four 105-mm guns. Four trucks carried all of his men, and the rest carried various equipment and ammunition for the guns.

"1st and 2nd platoons immediately survey the place to place these guns! Don't forget to place it in a place that is quite hidden and far from the beach!" Major Carlo ordered. "The third and fourth platoons immediately survey the area where machine guns will be placed! The rest plant explosives on the beach! Hurry, we only have a few hours before our troops arrive at this place . "

His men jumped out of the truck. Some stayed in the truck, and they headed back to the forest, which is quite far from the beach—about 2 kilometers from the beach. Soon some were running around looking for a good place to put the machine gun amidst some vegetation and bushes that were a little further from the beach, about 1 km from the beach. The rest ran with shovels and lugged backpacks filled with explosives to the shoreline.

Most of the soldiers dug holes on the shoreline, planted explosives equipped with round iron splinters in the holes, and covered them with sand after connecting them with cables that were then extended to the machine gun stations, which also functioned as control centers for blasting. For the places for the machine guns, there was a hole 1 meter deep, and on top of it were placed sandbags camouflaged with tree branches. It housed a 12.7mm heavy machine gun. Later, two 7.62mm light machine guns, carried by regular army troops, will be installed in each machine gun hole. There were 20 holes or heavy machine gun nests made by them along the coast. Additionally, they dig another 50 holes, which the regular troops will later fill with light machine guns.

After working for more than 4 hours, they had planted more than 2,000 explosives on the beach, and the installation of heavy machine guns, cannons, and mortars had been completed. The remaining time is used to make holes in the sand covered with camouflage to place soldiers who can surprise enemy troops.

At 12.00, they returned to their empty vehicles and waited for the regular troops to arrive. Soon after, dozens of trucks arrived at the Gamma site, carrying a division of 2,000 troops. They immediately handed over the site, and Engineer Company B's troops left the place.

Most of the newly arrived troops then set up a base camp in the forest behind the cannon positions. Others filled the machine gun nests with machine guns, ammunition, food, and drinks. Also, they filled the holes in the sand with one box of ammunition and some food and drink for the soldiers who would occupy them. In some of the holes, they also put the AT-1 RPG. After that, they rested at their base camp. The time is already 02.00. Meanwhile, the trucks that transported them had long gone back to their base to transport one more division, which will arrive in the morning.




The next day, at 0900, the same day as the Naval Battle of Le Brias.
Palpadia Empire Super Phisanus class warship "Pall", Flagship of Palpadia Empire Amphibius Force

General Cius saw a thin fog that was starting to dissipate around his fleet. In front of the ship could be seen the faint outlines of the beach where Palpadia's troops had landed. He looked carefully through the telescope at the conditions on the beach. There didn't seem to be any activity, and it didn't look like anyone was on the beach.

"We achieved a complete surprise. " he said happily. "Launch all of our wyverns immediately. But they are not temporarily attacking the coast, they are temporarily staying above our fleet. But use some wyverns to scout ahead. Report what's on the beach.

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