46. Wedding

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Antonio's POV

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Antonio's POV

Mike followed behind me as I made my way through the store. We spent most of the time in the adults section and we didn't get a chance to explore the rest of the other departments. $40 for a baby onesie?! Who are these people?!

"Would you look at that!" Mike said. He was looking ahead of us. I turned to see what he was looking at. Displayed were several large white gowns and tuxedo suits. I looked up to see what section this was.

"Wedding Department?" I asked.

"Come on! Let's check it out!" He said. He walked while I followed close behind. The whole area had wedding dresses of any type you can think of with every type of fabric. Cotton, wool, cashmere, chiffon, the works. I checked the price tag on some of them. They cost more than me!

"Do people actually spend this much for a dress?" I asked.

"Yep! My mom spent almost half a million for hers." Mike said. I dropped the veil I was holding and picked it back up quickly.

"Seriously? Why that much?!" I asked.

"Cause she had hers made by a French lady who added thousands of pearls on them. She still has it somewhere."

"I could've bought a house with that money." I muttered to myself. Rich people will buy anything.

"Yeah but it's a wedding. You should go all out! I plan on spending a million on mine." Mike held up a black tie to the mirror and was putting it on. He was struggling so I walked up to him and put my hands on the tie.

Gently, my hands worked the tie and fastened it to his neck. Mike didn't stop smiling down at me. While I was fixing his tie, Mike had gotten a hold of a white veil and began placing it on my head.

"How would your ideal wedding be?" I asked, still looking down and placing my hand on his chest.

"Hmm. Haven't thought of this before. Uhh, I guess it would be a summer wedding. Maybe in Hawaii. I would rent an entire city just for the occasion. Flowers everywhere. Everyone I love. I've always wanted doves." Mike brought my face up to look at him. "And I want you with me." He said. I looked away and blushed.

"That fact that I know you aren't joking just makes it more romantic." I said.

"Would you take my last name or do I take yours?" He asked, adding to my blushing.

"W-we can hyphen it. I'd like to keep mine, please." I stuttered out. I coughed to remove the lump in my throat.

"Mr. Garcia-Lexington. I don't think people will like that." Mike softly said.

"I can think of something else they won't like about our relationship. Two, actually." I said.

"But Virginia was forced to repeal that ban. We can be together despite being of different races."

"Mike." I sternly said. "We're both men."

Mike's face dropped when the realization came to him. "Sorry. I guess that went over my head that we can never get married."

I looked around the wedding area and saw a small display that was meant to look like a small church with an altar. I reached my hand into my pocket and had the ring Ms. Bella gave to me a few weeks ago.

"I have an idea!" I jumped and grabbed Mike's hand and dragged him to the display. I showed him the small chapel. His face lit up.

"Let's do it!" He cheered.

Mike walked around the section and found a black blazer to put over. I decided not to put on a dress but a white blazer just like Mike. I found a decorative bouquet of flowers for me to hold.

"I'm ready." I said as I put the veil over my face.

"Me too." He responded. I was facing away from him so he didn't see me. I stood at the end of the aisle while he stood at the altar.

I turned around, flowers in hand, and saw Mike at the end of the aisle waiting for me. I fixed my posture, standing up straight while my eyes couldn't look away from my love. I walked down the aisle slowly, letting Mike take a good look at me. I think his eyes were tearing up.

I reached the small steps and walked up to them. Turning to Mike, my assumptions were correct. He was tearing up.

"Sorry." He sniffled. "I guess I'm just overwhelmed." He said. I reached my left hand and grabbed his right hand.

"I know. But I'm here with you." I responded.

Mike wiped away a loose tear. "I'm just realizing that we'll never get the chance to do this. Have our own wedding."

"We're having one now. I think we should take advantage of what we have. Yeah?" I asked. Mike nodded his head.

None of us said anything. We stood in silence just looking at each other. I can't believe this man is with me. My first and only (hopefully) love.

"I, Michael Nathaniel Edmund Lexington, take thee, Antonio Jose Garica, as my love. To hold and have from this day forward. The joy of my life, the light of my life, my reason to live. I promise to hold you close, even in the end. Thank you for loving me the way I am. Even after death, my love will not cease. I hope to joy more in our future lives. I love you, Ant."

I cried a bit. I didn't know that was his full name. I tried not to wipe the tears from the veil because it's not mine.

"And I, Antonio Jose Garcia, take thee, Michael Nathaniel Edmund Lexington, as my forever love. To join you for an unexpected future full of laughter and love. Though we may not know what tomorrow holds, I know that I want you by my side. Even if this marriage is unofficial, in my eyes, our love is more official than any I've ever seen. I love you too, Mike."

From my pocket, I pulled out the ring Ms. Bella gave me. At the same time, Mike reached into his pockets and pulled out a ring.

"Were you planning this all along?" I asked because of our coincidence in bringing rings.

"No. But all I knew was that I wanted to give this too." He grabbed my left hand and brought it to his chest and slid the ring on. I awed at how shiny it was with the Lexington family seal. I grabbed his left hand and brought it to me and put my ring on his.

"Someone important gave me this. I figure you're special enough to deserve it." I said to Mike.

"Do you really mean that?" He excitedly asked.

"Of course, Mike!" He tried to lean in to kiss me but I stopped him. "You're forgetting something." I said.

"Oh, right!" He leaned back and cleared his throat. "You may now kiss your husband." He went and lifted the veil from my face. I was met with his sexy face.

Mike pulled me in and we kissed at the altar like it was a real wedding. He spun me around and leaned me back, still keeping his hand on my back so I wouldn't fall.

"I can hear the bells." I muttered to him.

"And I can hear our family cheering." He kissed me as we imagined an actual wedding happening.

Mike grabbed my hand and led me down the aisle as we giggled to ourselves in the empty store.

"So, my handsome husband, where shall we go for our honeymoon?" I asked.

"I know a place." He responded. "But first, I think we should put all this back" We looked around and saw we made quite the mess. "And we have to pay for the clothes." He also added.

"Then let's get to it! Then we'll have our honeymoon!"

That alone set us into overdrive to get everything packed and leave this place as a newlywedded couple.




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