5. Dreamy

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Michael’s POV

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Michael’s POV

We split apart quickly when we heard our names being called.

Was I seriously about to kiss another boy?

“We should leave!” Antonio said. He had a panicked look on his face.

“Okay. You go first. I’ll stay here and wait a few minutes. It’ll look odd if we both come out at the same time.” I said. He nodded and began to walk away from me. But then he turned around.

“Just so you know, I wouldn’t have minded the kiss.” He blushed.

“Me too.” I said.

“Bye, Mike!” He waved. I blushed at his nickname for me.

“Bye, Ant!” I said back. He walked while I stood there and thought of everything.

The discussion of being gay is never brought up. It’s a taboo subject. Plus, everyone is worried about trying to not kill each other. Am I gay? 

“MICHAEL!” Petey’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Shit! I didn’t even have time to use the bathroom.

“I’m here!” I said. Petey ran up to me.

“Let’s go. The last race is about to begin!” And we walked back to our seats by the river. We sat and looked at the race which began.

During that time. I couldn’t help but look at Antonio. He sat next to a girl, an older girl, and Manuel Garcia himself. Antonio caught me looking at him and sent me a small wave and a huge smile. I smiled myself, something I’ve noticed has been lacking in my life.

Genuine happiness.

“CHINESE FIRE DRILL!” Someone yelled. However, I didn’t care about the race. I only cared about Antonio.

The race ended and the Jewels won. Granted, they cheated using the mentioned spikes to destroy the Saint’s wheels.

“Dude, we’re gonna go and celebrate our victory. You in?” Petey asked when we reached our cars.

“I’m good. You guys go ahead!” I said.

“Come on, man. Don’t be a square. We gotta party tonight!” Petey said.

“I need to sleep, man. I got a big day tomorrow.” I said. Plus, I don’t think cheating warrants a celebration.

“If you say so. Goodnight man!” He said. He walked away and I got into my red Buick and drove home.

I entered my house- mansion I should say. My parents are well off and own a real estate company. This is only a small section of the Lexington Corporation. The rest of my family’s business includes politics, finance, and more. And I will soon take over it.

I called out to my parents but they didn’t respond. I’m guessing they’re off on another business trip. It’s common for them to leave me. They try to compensate by buying me whatever I want. But all I want is for them to spend a day with me.

I changed out of my clothes and laid on my bed in only my boxer briefs. I stared at the ceiling and thought back to Antonio.

He looks so innocent. And cute. And I almost kissed him! And he almost kissed me! God how badly I wanted to lean in and at least give him a small peck.

Deciding to ignore society’s rules, I’ve decided I like Antonio. Even though I only met him a few hours ago (2 I think), I know it’s love at first sight!

You can say what you want about love at first sight! But you won’t understand it until you feel it and experience it yourself.

I slept that night, smiling at the thought of the dreamy boy.


bye! i love you all!


His Saint, His Jewel ✔️Where stories live. Discover now