Bonus 7: February

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Ant and Mike were in the library, catching up on their studies now that a new semester has begun. 

“Mike,” Ant whispered. 

“Mm.” Mike grunted, finishing reading a paragraph and then looking up at his lover. 

“Remember when you told me about your family?” 

“Yes, I do.” Mike replied.

“So, where does Lexington come from? What’s the story about that?” Ant asked.

“Do you know what a lexicon is?” Mike asked.

Ant nodded. “Isn’t it a collection of knowledge?” Ant replied. Then, his eyes widened. “Oh! Now I get it! Lexington comes from lexicon because your family is a collection of other families.”

“Correct. You are such a smart boy.” Mike said. Ant hid his face behind his book to disguise his blush. 

Someone cleared their throat from behind the two boys. Mike turned around and saw that Harold Sambridge-Lockwood was standing there. Ant gave him a short greeting before returning to his book.

“Good day, Harold.” Mike started.

“You too, Michael.” Harold replied. He ran his hand through his wavy blonde hair. His face was slightly red. 

“Something I can help you with? It’s for anthropology, is it?” Mike asked. Harold shook his head. 

“No, it’s uh… a private question. Do you mind if…” Harold said, signaling for the door that led to the back of the building. Mike stood up and told Ant that he’d be back.

The two walked and exited through the emergency exit. Luckily, the alarm was off. They leaned against a brick wall and just kicked some rocks on the floor. Mike was waiting for Harold to ask what he needed to. 

“Mike, look. I’m going be frank with you. Are you and Antonio… more than friends?” Harold asked, his face even more red. 

Mike stopped playing with the sleeve of his sweater and his body became rigid. But he didn’t freak out. He and Ant had known that something like this would eventually happen. So, instead of quickly reacting, he decided to play dumb. 

“What are you talking about, Harold? Have you been reading more crazy books?” Mike asked. 

“Come on, man. Don’t act that way! Just be truthful. Are you and Antonio closer than what everyone sees?”

“Are you on something again? Did that frat give you something?” Mike asked, continuing his charade. 

“Stop it! I know what I’m talking about. I went over to your house a while back because I had a question about our project! You didn’t answer, so I went around the back and…” Now Harold’s face was more red. 

“And what? Were we building a birdhouse? What did we do?” Mike asked. He was getting more frustrated. He hoped their cover wasn’t blown.

“I heard moaning, okay?” Harold said loudly. He was breathing hard. “I heard you and Antonio moaning each other’s name. And don’t try to blame this on something else. I know damn well what I heard.”

Mike just looked to the ground, regretting not purchasing a home with soundproof walls. Moreso, this worried him. Their home that they call a sanctuary allowed for someone to discover their more kept secret. 

“Look, Mike. You can just say that Antonio is your fuck buddy or something of that sort. If someone discovers you, just say that Antonio begged for it and that you just needed stress. He can be your whore–” 

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