28. Angel & Demon

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Antonio's POV

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Antonio's POV

Today has been a heavenly day! Nothing special happened. I'm just waiting for the dance later tonight. Speaking of the dance, I need to find a costume. Despite everything, I don't have a costume yet. I've sort of been stupid and put that off until the very day that I need it.

"Manny!" I yelled as soon as I got home. Rafa and Juan entered the home after following me from school.

Manny entered from his room quickly, probably thinking I was in danger. But when he just saw me standing there excitedly, he calmed down. "Que, 'manito?" He asked.

"Are you going to the dance?" I asked.

"The dance?" He looked puzzled. Usually I don't willingly go to dances or social events. It's kind of a miracle whenever I go. "¿Quieres ir al baile? (You want to go to the dance?)" He asked.

"Si! What time are we leaving?" I asked. He looked towards Rafa. Rafa just shrugged like he doesn't know where my excitement is coming from.

"A las 7:30." He responded. Perfect. I have at least 4 hours to come up with something. Any costume would be nice. But I want a perfect one for Mike.

I rushed into my room and looked through my dresser to find anything that could inspire me. There was nothing. Not only was this effort useless but now my room was a mess. Then an earlier conversation with my boyfriend popped up in my head.

'Then I'll see you soon, my angel.'

Angel. Oh that sounds perfect! I think Dolores has a white sweater I can wear. And I can use some pillow feathers and glue to make the wings. Everything's coming together. I feel like I'm going to explode. So I got to crafting. Putting all the items together. I found some of my baptism white jeans and shoes!

I looked into the mirror at my costume. I look... perfect. The wings are about a foot long and are connected by me gluing them onto a belt that is attached under the sweater. I had to make some holes in the sweater. I hope Dolores doesn't mind. My hair is styled back but left it a bit curly. And I used pipe cleaners to make a halo.

Now the scary part: Showing my family my costume.

"Tonito! Come out here!" Dina yelled. I guess she's coming with us.

I exited my room and walked past Dolores putting on a white dress and adjusting her hair. She whistled when I walked past her. "Que guapo!" She said.

Dina immediately turned to me and squealed at my outfit. She lunged for a hug but stopped when she saw the wings. "EEH! You look so adorable!"

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