68. Misunderstanding

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Antonio’s POV

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Antonio’s POV

The entire day was, to be honest, boring. I cooked some food and delivered it to Dolores. She only came out of her room to go to the bathroom and sometimes she threw up. By the time school had ended, I was watching TV when there was a knock on my door. Before I opened the door, I checked to see who it was. It was Dina.

“Dina!” I said as I opened the door. I jumped into her arms. She quickly hugged me back tightly.

“I came to check on you.” She told me. I let go of her and ushered her in. We both sat on the couch.

She turned to me and gave me a lopsided smile. 

“Sorry I didn’t come as soon as I heard about Manuel. My parents basically grounded me.” She said.

“Makes sense. Your parents never liked the Saints.” I said.

“True.” She giggled. She threw her hair back. I saw a large gash on her collar. 

“What is that?!” I pointed at her mark. 

“Oh, this?” She asked. She let me get a closer look at her deep wound. It healed a bit. But barely. “It’s nothing.” She shrugged it off.

“Nothing? It looks like you got stabbed!” I told her.

“Heh, you should see the other girl.” Dina said. I stared at her more.

“Explain?” I asked.

“Ever since yesterday, things haven’t been good. The whole school today was a war zone. Saints fighting Jewels. Jewels fighting back. Even the girls were in on it. I encountered Sally and she used a pocket knife on me.” She said.

“It’s that bad?” I asked.

“Yep. A lot of people didn’t even show up today. You’re lucky you stayed home. I’ve never seen so much blood before. But it’s fine! I kinda liked the violence.” She had a crooked smile.

“You’re scaring me, Dina.” I chuckled awkwardly.

“Sorry, Tonio. But all this violence and war… doesn’t it get you kinda excited?” She asked, shivering.

“No, my brother is in the hospital and might not wake up.” I simply told her. Her smile went away quickly.

“Sorry. Yeah, but there’s a chance he’ll wake up, right? I mean, he has too. He’s survived worse.” She said. 

“Maybe. I’m just wishing on that small hope.” I replied. She sat on the couch and watched TV with me. 

“And Dolores? How is she?” 

“She’s been cooped up in her room all day. I bring her food and water and she just lays in bed. I don’t blame her, though.” I replied. Dina grabbed my hand and held it tight. 

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