14. Moonlight

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Antonio’s POV

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Antonio’s POV

I opened the front door slowly, trying to be careful to not wake up anyone. But fuck me, cause the door creaked.

“Antonio? Es tu?” Dolores asked from her and Manny’s room.

“Um, si. I’m going outside for a bit.” I said.

“Make sure you come back before midnight.” She said.

“I will.” I sighed in relief and quickly exited our home. I clutched my jacket over myself, feeling the cold from the night. I walked down the street, passing by cars and closed shops. I reached the alley where I asked Mike to wait.

“Michael?” I whispered into the night. But there was no response. I continued to whisper his name until a set of headlights turned on.

“In here!” He whispered out. I shielded my eyes from the light until they got adjusted to the flash. I saw Mike wearing an expensive looking brown coat standing outside the driver side of his seat. 

I ran towards him and hugged him close. We exchanged a quick kiss. I hopped into his car in the passenger seat and clipped on the seatbelt.

“You look outta sight.” Mike said.

“Thanks.” I blushed. “You too.” I said. My eyes trailed down his body. “Where off to?” I asked. Mike turned on the ignition and began pulling out of the alley. 

“Somewhere I think you’ll like.” He gave me a smile.

“Just hope it’s in neutral territory.” I said. I fiddled with the sleeves of my sweater. 

“Trust me, it is.” Mike said. He drove us farther into town. I saw the surroundings and saw we were partially on the east side. He pulled up to a large parking lot.

I looked up and saw the sign. In bright neon cursive read the words ‘Moonlight Drive-In Theater’. 

“I’ve always wanted to come here!” I said and jumped in my seat.

“How come you’ve never been before?” He asked. He drove and parked away from the main center. 

“Well. Cause no one ever wants to go. This place is neutral but it’s mainly east siders who come here. Manny has always complained about this place.” I said.

“I brought disguises for us.” Mike reached into the back seat. He pulled out a backpack and opened it. “Here. Put this on.” He handed me sunglasses and a Yankee baseball cap. Then he tied a scarf around my neck.

“What about you?” I asked. He pulled out some shades and looked incredibly sexy. 

“How do I look?” He asked and adjusted his jacket.

“Like a God.” He chuckled and began driving to the ticket booth.

“Two tickets please.” He said. I shielded the side of my face away from the booth and looked away.

“$1.50.” The man in the booth said. After a few seconds, the car began driving and made its way to the cinema lot. There were a few other cars around. It is a Saturday afterall. 

“The windows are tinted. As long as we stay here, no one can see it’s you.” Mike said.

“Yeah, but what about food? I’m starving.” I said. 

“I’ll go get us something.” He said. “Stay here and do not move.” Mike opened the car door carefully and looked around. He gave me one last look before walking away.

I did not move a muscle for the next few minutes. I saw many people from school walking around and minding their own business. After a few more minutes, a figure began walking to the car. It was Brad, a Jewel.

“Yo, Michael. You in there?” Brad began knocking on the hood of the car. I began sweating and shaking. Just breathe in and out. As long As I don’t move, nothing will happen.

“Michael!” Brad began knocking harder on the hood. It felt like he might actually break in and see who I am.

“Brad!” Michael’s voice called out. I turned and saw Mike running back to the car with a few snacks in hand. I sighed in relief.

“Michael. You here alone?” Brad asked. I eavesdropped on their conversation.

“Yeah. Figured I needed to get out the house.” 

“Hmm. That’s a lot of snacks for one person.” Brad had a hint of questioning in his voice.

“I’m a big dude. A guy’s hungry.” Mike said. “The movie’s starting. Bye, Brad.” Mike said. Brad said goodbye and walked off. Mike entered the car with the snacks in hand.

“Whew! For a second I thought he was gonna find out.” Mike said. He handed me a tub of popcorn and a Coke bottle.

“My heart dropped. Thank God you came on time.” I said. The screen ahead of us began to play a movie. “What movie is this?” I asked.

“Rebel Without A Cause.” Mike said. I didn’t know what the movie was about, but I figured it could be good.

“Thanks for the snacks.” I said.

“Anything for you.” Mike extended his arm and placed it behind my headrest. He kept his hand there the entire movie.

I would steal occasional glances at Mike. He truly is a God among the living. I have no idea how I fell for him, but he fell for me too. Like we’re a match made in heaven.

“The movie’s over.” Mike said.

“Damn. I was enjoying us being together.” I said. Mike leaned in and gave a kiss on the lips.

“We can still have more dates.” He said, cupping my face.

“I look forward to that.” I said.

We shared another kiss. The kiss deepend and Mike soon started tracing his tongue along my bottom lips. I opened my mouth and our tongues danced with each other. I need more of him.

“I should get you home before Manuel kills me.” He said after we pulled apart. We were both panting from the kiss.

“Certainly don’t want that.” He chuckled. Mike drove me home and we said goodnight. But not before we gave one last kiss. 

I slept that night, smiling so bright the stars couldn’t match.


bye! i love you all!


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