73. The First Punch

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Avalon's POV

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Avalon's POV

Both Tammy and I sat on the hill that overlooked the Park Plaza. We saw as the two groups were on their sides with a gap in the middle. The two sides were arguing with one another but no one had thrown a punch yet.

"Is it safe to be here? What if we get arrested." Tammy nervously asked.

I reached back into the picnic basket and pulled out two soda bottles. I twisted the caps off and handed one to Tammy.

"I kinda wanna see how this'll go down." I said as I sipped on my drink.

"You wanna watch a bunch of idiots punch each other?" She asked me. I turned to the brunette and stroked her hair.

"Oh, Tammy. Trust me. There's nothing more fun than watching people fight for no reason." I twirled a strand of her hair on my fingers. She blushed hard and hid her face behind her hand.

"Why are they fighting? Is it because of those two gay guys?" She asked.

"Yeah. But it's kinda grown from that. Honestly, I'm surprised they haven't already had a rumble already." I said.

We turned to the plaza's parking lot, where everyone was gathered. I scoured around and saw all the adults running away and the stores boarding up their windows.

"People really are scared, huh?" Tammy asked.

"Last time there was a rumble, it was followed by riots. They're being smart." I told her.

"Oh... okay." She said, sipping her pop and leaning her head on my shoulder.

I hid my blush and made sure she couldn't tell that I was feeling awkwards. Everytime I'm around Tammy, I get these butterflies in my stomach. I like holding her hand and playing with her hair. I like when she chews on her straws and makes cute pouty faces.

She's perfect.

"Still, this feels kinda fucked up. Watching guys beat each other blue. And the blood! Oh God!" She panicked. I rubbed her shoulders.

"Wanna leave when it gets too bad?" I asked. She nodded yes and held my hand.

We turned back to the parking lot where tensions were picking up. In the center of the crowd was Jack and Rafael, at each other's throats.

"They're gonna fight. Watch." I said.

Their conversation was heating up. Jack must've said something because he was staring smugly at Rafael. Rafael was upset, his face red and his fist clenched.

"Uh oh." Tammy said, sitting up and leaning in closer.

Like the shot heard 'round the world, Rafael couldn't control his anger and punched Jack straight in the jaw. All commotion stopped for a few seconds before all hell broke loose.

The two gangs swarmed into the center and each fought one another.

"Holy shit!" Tammy gasped as she watched the violence.

I saw as guys would hit each other in the head with pipes. I saw someone get a broken glass bottle and try to stab another person with it. Someone whipped someone with a chain on the back.

And the blood. Oh fuck! The blood! The parking lot was being painted red. Amidst the fighting, it seems like no one even cares. Like their bodies don't care about their pain because of the adrenaline.

I began to look around and finally spotted Jack and Rafael. The two were throwing punches. They used no weapons or items. Just their bare fists. Just like the agreements to Jack's and Manuel's original fight.

Rafael would be able to land some punches on Jack's torso but dodged all the ones to his head. Jack was quick. He moved slenderly but sometimes was unable to predict Rafael's moves. He didn't seem to be throwing punches. Most likely, his objective is to tire Rafael out then go in and throw blows.

I turned over to Alejandro and Bandit. I once remember Bandit stole Alejandro's priceless chain and vowed to get revenge. Currently, Bandit is on the floor while Alejandro has him pinned and is taunting him.

Then I turned over to JayJay, who was fighting Carlos. I don't remember their beef, but I do remember it was pretty bad. Both of them are in an attack stance, circling each other. When one of them lunges forwards, the other would jump back.

But for the life of me, I couldn't see Archie. I looked everywhere but he was nowhere to be seen.

Tammy nudged me. "What's the deal with you and Archie?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked back.

"Do you like him?" Tammy asked with a smirk on her face.

"No, everyone thinks I do because we're the only ones here with red hair. But I actually don't like him." I said. She nodded.

"So who do you like then?" She teased playfully.

I stared into her dark brown eyes, grabbing her hand and tracing my fingers over her skin. Her soft, beautiful, ivory skin.

If Michael was brave enough, so should I.

As I opened my mouth to speak, Tammy's eyes widened and gasped. I turned to where she was looking and that's when we saw them.

Standing at the edge of the parking lot, on the battlefield, was Michael Lexington and Antonio Jose Garcia. They were holding hands and began to walk into the rumble.


wanted to put this filler chapter. at least i got to add some characterization to ava.

<3 <3 luv you all *mwah*

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