34. Fear

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Michaels’ POV

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Michaels’ POV

The entire day, I felt like I was being watched. I would look over my shoulder at any brown person that walked past me. It sounds racist, I know. But after my talk with Ant in the bathroom, it makes sense that a Saint is responsible for the pictures. 

I also watched Ant from far away. And I would look around and check if anyone was looking at him suspiciously. 

A daydream had me marching up to Ant and hugging him and kissing him in front of everyone and telling them that if they mess with him I’ll kill them. Of course I can’t do that. I could, but that’s social suicide. Ant and I aren’t taking that chance.

I feel a bit uncomfortable with the fact that someone watched Ant and I making love. That’s supposed to be something that only the two of us should know because it’s OUR love and not meant to be seen by others. Whoever this person is, they’re in for trouble.

“Yo, Mike. You’re distancing again. What’s up?” Petey asked. I parked my car in the driveway and got out. Petey followed me and we sat at the kitchen table. Mom and dad still aren’t home from their trip.

“Someone’s been taking pictures of us and sending them to Ant.” I said. Petey sat in front of me.

“Shit! Well, how’s the little man taking it? Is he alright?” Petey asked. It felt nice that my best friend was worried about my boyfriend.

“He was freaking out for a bit but I calmed him down.” I said. My hands were shaking. What if this person starts to follow me? 

“Any idea of who it might be?”

“We came to the conclusion that it had to have been a Saint. There’s circumstances that places a Saint at the scene of the crime.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, are any of these pictures raunchy?” He asked. I couldn’t look him in the eye.

“Yeah, there’s one they took when Ant and I had sex. Our junks were scratched out. But I’m scared that they caught us in that moment.” Panic set in. Earlier I had to put on a brave face for Ant and comfort him while he cried in my arms.

“Can’t imagine going through that. I honestly don’t even know what to say.” Petey stood up and got us some water. I gulped it down and hydrated my dry throat.

“I don’t even feel safe knowing that Ant is at home and someone could be watching his every move! It drives me insane that I’m not there to protect him!” 

“Mike, please calm down.” Petey was able to calm me down before I snapped and threw something. “First we should focus on your safety. Luckily I don’t think a Saint could be able to sneak into the east side so I’m sure you’re safe.”

“All I care about is Antonio. He was so distraught earlier. Beside me, he only has two other people who he can rely on. It’s not like he can talk to his brother about this.”

I sat there letting my anger seethe. This is all too much just for two guys who love each other. What the hell am I supposed to do?

“Mike, there may be one way to stop all of this.” Petey said, though his face gave the impression that he shouldn’t say it.

“How so?” I asked.

“You can break up with him and just forget about him.”

“The hell I will! I’m not breaking up with Ant! I love him! And I will never forget him!” I yelled at him for suggesting such barbaric idea.

Petey put his hands up in defense. “Alright then, not that!”

“I could break up with him if I wanted to. I could just ignore him and move on with my life. Tell mom and dad to send me to boarding school in New England.” I said. Petey could tell that this is a subject that’s become very sensitive to me.

“You don’t want that, Mike. Just as you said. You love Antonio and want to protect him. So do that. If you leave, he’ll have no one. He’ll be devastated.”

“True. I don’t want to leave him. I guess I’ll just have to pray and hope that nothing goes wrong within the next few months. We just have to make it to the end of senior year and then we can transition into our lives.” I imagined a future now.

“I just hope I’m invited to the wedding.”

“Dude, you’ll be my best man!” We laughed together.

Despite the pictures, I’m sure I can find a way to bring some good from this. Look at me. I'm joking around with Petey. I don't have my parents with me for now. All I have are the people who love me. Such as Ant and Petey. But there's a lingering fear that I might lose one of them. Someone knows about us. Ant and I are both in danger.




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